Monday, September 29, 2008

Necesito Ayuda!!!! / Need Help!!!!!!

Hace varios días las niñas tienen catarro y claro está terminamos todos enfermos. Más o menos las cosas han ido mejorando pero tenemos un problema. Ni Ana Sofia ni Ana Paola están comiendo bien. Yo sé que cuando los niños se enferman y aún los adultos no comemos bien pero ellas son pequeñas y necesitan una buena alimentación. Necesito que por favor me ayuden.

Quisiera sugerencias sobre los menús que les puedo preparar. Que me digan que tipo de comidas les dan a sus hijos. Sé que mientras más crecen los niños se ponen místicos para la comida y según he leído en otros blogs hay otras madres pasando por está situación.

Espero que me puedan ayudar.


It has been several days since the girls get a cold and and now we finish all sick. Things have been improving but we have another problem. Neither Ana Sofia nor Ana Paola are eating well. I know that when children are ill and even adults do not eat well but they are small and they need a good diet. I need that please someone help me.

It need suggestions on the menus that I can prepare for them. Tell me the type of foods you give your children. I know that the more children grow they become more selective for the food and I have read in other blogs that other parents are going thru similar situations.

I hope someone can help me.


1 comment:

Heather said...

My daughter is a picky eater. I think most are at this age. She is horrible with meats and chicken, but she will eat fruit and veggies, so that is what we really push. I keep retrying to introduce chicken and meat and hope that one day she catches on. However, she is a typical toddler, who loves hot dogs, chicken nuggets, pizza and meatballs. That is it! Anyway, just keep trying. O- I also try to "hide" healthy food in cheese sauces or spaghetti sauce. Sometimes that works.