Gracias a Dios fue un día sensacional y Pablo estuvo allí para disfrutar el momento. Cuando llegamos a la escuela ellas se dirigieron hasta el salón que ellas habían seleccionado el pasado martes cuando fuimos a matricularlas. Entraron y fueron directamente a la mesa y sillas previamente seleccionadas. Nosotros tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar el momento y estar sumamente orgullosos de ellas por que no lloraron solo sonreían. Ojalá que el resto de tiempo sea igual. Sí puedo asegurar que el primer día fue todo un éxito.
AnnieThanks to God it was a sensational day and Pablo was there to enjoy the moment. When we arrived at the school they went to the classroom that they had selected last Tuesday when we went to register them. They entered and they went directly to the table and took the chairs previously selected. We had the opportunity to enjoy the moment and to be extremely proud of them because they did not cry, they smiled. I hope that the remainder of time be equal. Yes I can assure that the first day was all a success.
AnnieTheir books (each girl have 5 books and one coloring book)

School supplies
Paola's notebooks 
Sofia's notebooks

Pencil case


Before we went to school

Ready to go

At their classroom

Good luck girls!!!!
Love you
Mommy and Daddy
I am so happy to hear the girls had a great start to their first day!! They look so grown-up in the uniforms (and beautiful, too)!! It's so exciting, but I know what you mean about wanting things to slow down a bit too : )
: ) Jeremi
Wow! Loved all the photos - thank you so so much for sharing! I don't have much time right now, I'll have to come back later and look again.
I am so happy it went really well!
Very cute pictures. I am glad it went well!! :)
Adorable! Congrats on their first day!
So glad it went well! Love their backpacks!
The girls look so grown up in their uniforms and matching earrings. So so cute! Are they going every afternoon?
Do you feed them lunch beforehand or do they eat lunch in school?
Have a good night!
Awww, so cute. :)
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