Friday, August 13, 2010

Mi Primer Día Sola / Mi First Day Alone

El martes y miércoles Pablo estuvo conmigo en este proceso de llevar a las niñas a la escuela y a pesar de que ellas me hacian falta fue más fácil asimilarlo. En cambio, ayer jueves hubo cambios drásticos en la rutina aunque será bastante fácil adaptarnos a ella. Pero, el peor momento fue cuando las niñas estaban en la escuela, Pablo en su trabajo y yo, totalmente SOLA. Para mí fue horrible y hasta lloré por que no encontraba que hacer. Sí, es cierto que muchas veces añoré tener un tiempo para mí y aún lo quiero pero, en este momento me encuentro en una etapa de transición. Para mí será más difícil adaptarme a esas tres horas en que ellas están en la escuela y yo estoy sola, que la fácil adaptación que ellas han tenido en la escuela. Poco a poco, la situación será más fácil.


PS: Desde que comenzaron en la escuela me propuse sacar todos los días fotos de ellas antes de ir a la escuela así que más tarde las postearé. Ellas están fascinadas con la escuela a pesar, de que Sofia alega que ayer, la maestra no la dejó jugar por que estaba hablando y la castigó por eso (cuando ella me dijo eso iba a llorar y hasta yo casi lloro también), obviamente ya le dijimos que recordara no hablar con los compañeritos mientras la maestra da clases (todo el camino que nos falta por recorrer,jaja).

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Pablo was with me in this process of taking the girls to school and in spite of the fact that I missed them it was easier to assimilate it. On the other hand, yesterday Thursday there were drastic changes in the routine although it will be quite easy to adapt. But, the worst moment was when the girls were at school, Pablo at work and I was completely ALONE. For me it was horrible and I even cried because I could not find what to do. If it is certain that, I yearned for to little time for me and still I want it but, at this time I find myself in a phase of transition. For me it will be more difficult to adapt to those three hours in which they are in school and I am alone, that the easy adaptation that that have had in their school. Little by little, the situation will be easier.


PS: Since they began school I decided to post every day photos of them before going to school so later I will post them. They are fascinated with school but Sofia said that yesterday, the teacher did not let her play because she was talking and she was punished for that (when she told me that she was going to cry and I almost cried too), obviously we told her to remember not to speak with the other kids in the classroom while the teacher gives classes (It's going to be a long and bumpy road ahead of us, haha).


Mrs. M said...

It can be so hard to adjust to a new routing, especially one that involves the girls not being with you!! Hang in there, like you say it WILL get better!! Happy Friday!!

Meet the Smiths said...

I can imagine the adjustment...going from always having something to do and then! I can't wait for that day here, but i know that I will be sad, too.
It's a bitter sweet time.

Jeremi said...

Oh Annie -- hugs to you : ) I know for me, I get really excited for all the new adventures Ella and Zoe are experiencing, but it's bittersweet for sure! You'll get in the swing of your new routine in no time at all, and maybe you won't have to do your workout at 6am : )

Take care and have a great Friday!

Caroline said...

I must say I am not looking forward to that. I bet it is harder for you since they are the same age. I'll have two kids at home when Taylynn starts school.
I am having a hard time even thinking about preschool, but I have to get her in it next year.
Hang in there, I think it gets easier :)

Malena said...

I totally can relate to you - the few times the kids have not been with me in their 4 years of life I have been totally LOST!
Nonetheless I am sure you will find new routines and will figure out what you want to do with your time. I know I will be doing grocery shopping as one chore when mine are in school - but I am selfishly dreaming about maybe taking naps!!! Is that bad?!

Christina said...

I'll bet it is hard! I'll cry too. :(

SouthernDogwoods said...

Oh, I feel you Annie. I am in the same boat - starting Monday, it will be just me. I have to-do list that consists of cleaning, new recipes and other household things to keep me busy.
Wishing your sweet girls the best school year ahead!

Heather said...

It is a big adjustment... for you and them. The first few weeks, Charlotte had some issues learning that she couldn't play whenever she wanted. That she had to follow the school schedule... circle time for stories, snack time, play time, etc. By the end of the second month, she was doing fine.