Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nada Nuevo / Nothing New

Va casi una semana que no escribo nada pero, la verdad es que no ha ocurrido nada interesante. El fin de semana fue de lo peor, solo el domingo disfrute un poco por que llevamos a las nenas a ver la película de High School Musical 3. Les diré que ellas disfrutaron muchísimo y hasta bailaron en el cine (lo lamento no tengo fotos).
Durante estos días tampoco ha ocurrido nada interesante. Solo hemos cuidado de las niñas que están con el gotereo nasal nuevamente. En realidad la que se pone peor con esto de los catarros es Paola, que no duerme ni come bien. Llevamos varios días sin descansar bien pero, yo espero que pronto pase esto.

Lamento no tener fotos recientes, ojala que pronto haya algunas nuevas y que Sofia y Paola se recuperen para salir de trick or treat.


It has been almost a week that I have not writen but, the truth is that it has not happened anything interesting. The weekend was bad, except on Sunday when we took to girls to see the movie of High School Musical 3. They enjoyed it a lot and even danced during the musical parts (I'm sorry but couldn't get any photos).
During these days nothing interesting has occurred. We have been busy taking care of the girls since they have runny noses again. The real problem when Paola has a cold is that she does not sleep nor eat well. It has been several nights without a pleasant full night sleep but, I expect this will be over soon since she has been feeling better.

Sorry we do not have recent photos, maybe Sofia and Paola will recover and be able to go trick or treat.



Souza Sisters said...

I hope the girls feel better so they can trick or treat!!

Staci said...

Thanks for your comment. I saved your blog so I can read through tomorrow.

The Myers Family said...

OH no! I hope the girls are feeling better soon! Mine seem to be doing better..but now i've got it! ICKY!

Hope ya'll had a good halloween!