Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Terribles Dos / Terrible Two

Oh Dios mío, que día. La verdad es que hoy ni Ana Paola ni Ana Sofia se soportaban. Todo fueron gritos, peleas y llantos. Cada una quería el juguete de la otra y no el suyo. La verdad es que fue horrible y obviamente yo dije, Bienvenida Mami a los terribles dossssssss. Por lo menos hubo tres momentos de calma en el día, el almuerzo, la siesta y la cena. Eso fue un progreso por que no imaginaba como seria todo el día a ese ritmo.
A pesar de todo, debo agradecerle a Dios por que las niñas el 90% de las veces son tranquilas y que surja un día asi pues hay que aguantarlo. Definitivamente hoy no hubo fotos por que apenas se podia lidiar con los problemas. Aun asi estas chicas son mis grandes amores.


Oh, my God, what a day. Today neither Ana Paola nor Ana Sofia liked each other. All day there were shouts, fights and crying. Each one wanted the toy of the other. The truth is that it was horrible and I obviously thought, Welcome Mommy to the terrible twooooooooooooo. At least there were three moments of calm thru the day, lunch time , nap time and during supper. I could not imagine how it might have been if I had to go thru all this the whole day.
In spite of all, I should thank God that the girls are 90% of the times tranquil and these kind of days like today I simply must endure them. Obviously there were no photos because I barely had time because all the trouble. Still these girls own my heart.


1 comment:

Souza Sisters said...

This post made me laugh!! Charlotte always wants the toy that Maggie is playing with!! Love the girls costumes!! Too cute:)