Saturday, October 4, 2008

Iron Twins

Ya está a la venta la película Iron Twins. Es una versión femenina que le asegurará mucha risa. Las protagonistas son Ana Sofia y Ana Paola. Ellas decidieron comenzar su carrera hacia Hollywood desde muy temprana edad. No deje de ver la película en este su blog favorito.

Mis niñas se divirtieron en grande con las gafas de Iron Man. Y pensar que algo tan simple las alegraría tanto. Luego de divertirse con las gafas quisieron brincar de un lado a otro y subirse y bajarse de los asientos de la minivan. Todo esto ocurrió mientras yo estaba reclutando dos personas para mi negocio AVON y ellas estaban bajo el cuidado de Iron Dad. Pero no cabe duda que la pasaron bien mientras yo hacia algo que a penas me gusta; hablar (si claro, hay que mandarme a callar).

Espero que disfruten las fotos de las Iron Twins. Sigan disfrutando del fin de semana.

PD: Faltan solo 6 días para los terribles dos.

The Iron Twins movie is on sale. It is a female version that will make you laugh. The protagonists are Ana Sofia and Ana Paola. They decided to begin their career in Hollywood from a very early age. Don't forget to see the movie, here in your favorite blog.

My girls enjoyeded playing with the Iron Man eyeglasses. And to think that something so simple makes them so happy. After being entertained with the eyeglasses they started jumping from one side to another and to get on and off their seats of the minivan. All this occurred while I was recruiting two people for my AVON business and they were under the care of "Iron Dad". They just find a way to spend time while I do something that I enjoy a lot; to speak (sometimes people have to ask me to shut up).

Here are the photos of the Iron Twins. Continue enjoying the weekend.

PD: Just 6 days for the terrible two.

1 comment:

The Myers Family said...

YIKES! 5 days now! I bet you are SOOO excited! I can't WAIT for my girls to turn TWO! YAHOO! terrible 2s aren't SOO's the terrible 4's that are really scaring me, esp x's2!

Have a great weekend..

P.S. i can't see any pics on this post!