1. El 13 de febrero se cumplió un mes desde que comenzamos el "potty training" (por tercera vez) pero, en esta ocasión es todo un éxito y podemos decir que ya las NIÑAS ESTAN ENTRENADAS,sííííííí. En el único momento que utilizan un pañal es por la noche (sí un pañal por que creo que es mucho más absorbente y además todos en la noche queremos dormir no cambiar sábanas,jaja). Pero, poco a poco quitaremos ese pañal. La verdad es que se siente súper bien solo gastar $10.00 (claro cuando uno economiza en algo siempre aparece otro gasto pero es mucho más fácil).
2. Estas últimas galletas eran de las que vienen en caja y que solo se le añade huevo y mantequilla. Son fáciles de hacer y es divertido hacerlas con las niñas. Pero, a Pablo no le gustaron y las niñas después de hacerlas no quieren ni siquiera probarlas (son listas). En mi opinión las galletas no eran malas aunque tengo que admitir que después de llevar como tres días en la nevera y ponerse duras como la piedra pues sabían un poquito mejor,ja.
3. En algún momento de esta semana Pablo podrá hacerse los exámenes de sangre, el CT Scan de la cabeza y el "stress test". Así que esperamos que en algún momento de la próxima semana podamos tener todos los resultados a la mano y tener nuevamente la cita con el cardiólogo.
En fin (como diría Pinky Dinky Doo, parece que veo mucho a Discovery Kids) les deseo una feliz semana llena de muchas bendiciones y cosas hermosas.
Recount of things that have happened in our home:
1. On February 13 it was a month since we begin the "potty training" (by third time) but, in this occasion is all a success and we can say that already the GIRLS ARE TRAINED, yesssss. In the only moment they use a diaper is at night (yes a diaper because I believe that is a lot more absorbent and besides at night we want to sleep not to change sheets, jaja). But, little by little we will remove that diaper. The truth is that it feels super well just to spend $10.00 on diapers (of course when you save money in something it always appears another expense but is a lot more easy).
2. These last cookies were the ones that come in a box and that you just add egg and butter. They are easy to do and it was fun to do them with the girls. But, Pablo did not ;iked their taste and the girls after doing them, do not even want to taste them (they are smart). In my opinion the cookies were not bad although I have to admit after being three days in the refrigerator they became hard as stone therefore they tasted a little bit better, ha.
3. In this week Pablo will be able to have his blood test, the CT Scan of the head and the stress test. So we expect that some time this week we can have all the results at hand and to have another appointment with the cardiologist.
In short (as it would say Pinky Dinky Doo, seems that I see a lot of Discovery Kids) I wish you a happy week filled of many blessings and beautiful things.
Playing with Krystyn from Really, Are You Serious.
She is starts with a new endeavor call Mommy and Me Monday. Every week we need to post a picture where we are with our kids so people will know that we exists.
This was my last picture with the girls one week ago. Definitely, I need to take more pictures with them.
So, go and play with Krystyn.
So, go and play with Krystyn.

I hope that the results will give you some answers.
Hooray for potty-trained girls!! That's great! : )
Love the picture of you and the girls...I, too, seem to always be behind the camera rather than in front! Good for you being in the photo!
I am sorry that all of your cookie adventures have been bad...the recipe I provided makes perfect cookies...you cannot mess them up. I promise! Good Luck!
Wonderful picture! I'm excited about Mommy and Me - hopefully this way our Christmas picture wont be the only one of me and the kids!
Yay for the potty training success! Good luck for your husband and his testing.
hooray for potty training the girls!! I hopw everything goes well with your hubby!!great pic for Monday!!!
Congratulations on the girls being potty trained! I'm so happy for you! Beautiful pic of the girls with you. Maybe I'll join in on the fun! And hope that Paolo's test results will be informative. Thinking and praying for your family.
Yay for the the potty training success.
And, I'm glad that P's tests are finally going to happen. Hopefully they help explain his pain!
And, definitely more pictures of mommy, please:)
So much going on with you all - Yay! for potty-trained girls!!!! Please tell them that I am so proud of them!
I hope Pablo's tests give you the answers you all need. I wish him the best of luck.
And I love the picture of you and your sweet girls. (I need to take a few more pictures of the girls and I but we, moms, are usually the photographer. Ha!)
I wanted to let you know I am running an AVON giveaway all week long on my blog if you are interested in entering!
Congrats on the potty training success! I thought I left a comment last night, but I don't see it now! Anyway, I know how hard you have worked to get here. YAY!
Congrats on the girls being potty trained! I hope Pablo's tests give you guys some answers!
Way to go girls! And like you said, sooo nice not to have such a big diaper bill!
Adorable picture! Happy Monday!
yeah for potty training. We used to watch pinky dinkymadoo , too!
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