Nuevamente llegó el momento de mostrar una foto en la cual haya estado con mis niñas (ya todas sabemos que muchas veces es casi imposible por que somos nosotras quiénes sacamos las fotos,ja) pero, esta semana sí salí en las fotos, bravo.
Is the moment to show a photo of myself with my girls (we know that many times this is almost impossible because we take the pictures, ha) but, this week yes I am in the photos, hooray.
Is the moment to show a photo of myself with my girls (we know that many times this is almost impossible because we take the pictures, ha) but, this week yes I am in the photos, hooray.

Playing with Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious

very sweet pictures!!!!
Great pic...Following from Mommy and Me Monday
You are so pretty on these pictures!
Great pictures! I love this idea. There are hardly any pictures of me with my family.
awww, Annie you are so cute, just like your girls:)
So cool to see you out from behind the camera! I'm actually trying to do this EVERY DAY this year! We'll see how it far I've only missed 1, maybe two? days for 2010! Your girls will thank you for it! guys look so cute. You all have such beautiful hair.
And, I love that you got one of your and your hubby..those are almost as rare as the mommy and kid shots.
You have such a beautiful family! Have a nice Monday, my friend!
Beautiful!! I love that you do this : )
Great pictures!
These are great pictures. Sweet girls!
Annie, I can see where the girls get their beauty from! Such great pictures. And you are right, I barely have any pictures of me with the girls either.
adorable pictures!!
What sweet photos!
Thanks for stopping by.
So cute. I love this meme.
SO, very sweet.
I loved all the pics :)
Those are great!! Your girls look so much like you. Isn't it awful how us mommies never get to be in the pictures.
Sweet pictures!
Awww your family is beautiful! Such great pictures, so glad your in them :)
FABULOUS! thanks for stopping by my blog!!! :)
Why is it so hard to get pictures of Mommy? We have the same problem at our house. Very lovely pictures, by the way.
Wow this looks like a fun meme, can I join too? Thank you so much for dropping by my place..
Bout the costume, I did not make it, I bought it hehehe.. I don't have talent in dress making lol..
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