Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ocupada / Busy

Espero que todas estén bien. Lamento, sí en los pasados días no he comentado en sus blogs pero, estoy ajetreada con los preparativos para la fiesta (nadie me manda, por dejar las cosas para el final, esto nunca me había pasado pero bueno, siempre hay una primera vez).

Les comparto algunas fotos.

Feliz Viernes

I wish everyone is ok. I am sorry that in the last few days I have not commented in your blogs but, I am hectic with the preparations for the bithday party (it is all my fault for postponing things, this has never happened but there is always a first time).

I share some photos.

Happy Friday



Unknown said...

Annie, you are so sweet. Even though you've been busy, I see you've commented on my blog! Thanks for taking the time!

Have fun planning the girls' birthday! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Malena said...

That's right...their birthday is around the corner, exciting! Wow - look at them all grown up at the computers ;)

Shelly said...

Have a great time with the party! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Jeremi said...

I can't wait to hear about the girls' party!!! And see pics of you little cutie - pies : )

How do you tell them apart? I'm assuming they're identical?

And way to go with participicating for the Blog for a Cure!! YOu are so giving, even though this is such a busy time for you. I'm impressed!!

Have a fabulous weekend,