Monday, September 21, 2009

Cómo Fue el Fin de Semana / How Was Our Weekend

El fin de semana fue espectacular así que detallaré todo según transcurrió:

Viernes: Como de costumbre las niñas y yo estuvimos todo el día en la casa. Realizamos diversas actividades con la letra B y realizamos nuestras manualidades del día de las brujas. El día estuvo bastante nublado por lo que las actividades al aire libre estás pospuestas hasta nuevo aviso, además la lluvia ha traído demasiados mosquitos y para evitar del contagio con el dengue es mejor precaver. En la tarde pasamos un rato ameno con mi mamá y mi sobrina Cary que nos vinieron a visitar.

Sábado: Sería un día igual a la semana ya que Pablo tendría que trabajar todo el día. Como persona planificada ya yo tenía dispuesto qué haríamos las niñas y yo. Lo primero que yo haría temprano en la mañana era lavar ropa y limpiar la casa antes de que ellas se levantaran pero, la compañía que provee la luz decidió que era un día espectacular para cortar el servicio y de esa manera mis planes quedaron pospuestos. Así que ninguno de mis planes para temprano en la mañana se pudieron materializar. No fue hasta las 11:00 a.m. que llegó la energía y comenzamos entonces el proceso para bañarnos y arreglarnos para salir. Las niñas recibieron su primer corte de cabello por una estilista que no fue mamita,jaja. Quedaron hermosas como siempre. Luego algunas compras relacionadas al cumpleaños.

Domingo: Dormimos hasta las 10:00 a.m. (wipitiiii) El día transcurrió en familia y comprando más cosas para la fiesta de cumpleaños.

Hoy Lunes: El día estuvo semi nublado pero, estuvo bastante tranquilo. Las niñas recibieron otra de sus terapias y colocamos nuestras manualidades del día de brujas.

Espero que todas hayan tenido un magnífico fin de semana.

Feliz Semana para todos.

The weekend was spectacular so I will detail all as it elapsed:

Friday: As usual the girls and I were all day at home. We carry out diverse activities with the letter B and we did some handicrafts for halloween. The day was quite cloudy so the outdoor activities were postponed until further notice, besides the rain has brought too many mosquitos and to avoid getting sick we stayed inside. In the afternoon we my mom and my niece Cary came to visit.

Saturday: It would have been a day equal to the weekdays since Pablo had to work all day. As the planned person I am I arranged what the girls and I would do. The first thing I would have done early in the morning was to wash clothes and to clean the house before the girls wake up but, the power company decided that was a spectacular day to cut out the power and that way my plans remained postponed. So none of my plans for early in the morning could materialize. It was not until 11:00 a.m. that the power was back and we started with the process of bathing and getting ready to go out. The girls received their first hair cut by a hairstylist that was not mommy, hahaha. They remained beautiful as usual. After that we completed some purchases related to the birthday party.

Sunday: We sleep until 10:00 a.m. (Weeeeeeeeee) The day elapsed in family and buying more things for the birthday party.

Today Monday: The day was semi cloudy but, quite tranquil. The girls received another of their speech therapies and we place our halloween handicrafts on the door..

I expect that all have had a magnificent weekend.

Happy Week for all.

Halloween Crafts

I saw the hand ghosts at my friend Malena's blog and thoght it was a wonderful idea. So I tried it with the girls and they loved it. Thanks Malena for sharing this easy and beautiful craft.

Final project


Bethany said...

Love your Halloween ideas! How cute! Glad you all had a fun weekend despite a few gliches!

Meet the Smiths said...

how cool! I like how you do crafts with the girls. I tried to some last week and Lily ate the crayons while Dakota complained about having to I will try again soon.

Unknown said...

The girls did an awesome job with their crafts! Sounds like a fun indoor weekend!

Jeremi said...

Such cute ideas -- I think we'll do the ghost one too : ) And love the hair cuts, oh my!! Darling Annie : )

girlytwins said...

Those crafts are so cute. I will have to try those with my girls. Did you take pictures of their first real haircuts? I bet they were so cute.

GibsonTwins said...

What fun crafts!! Can I just say how jealous I am that you ever get to sleep in til 10?!?! You lucky mama!

Malena said...

Those turned out sooo awesome!!! Thanks for all your msgs, I'll get caught up on blogging soon!

Kristy said...

What cute Halloween crafts! I'm so not a crafty person - but - I think I could do these with Reese and Will!