Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dijo Qué? / Say What

Hoy es el día de contar ¿Dijo Qué? que modera Missy the Two Little Monkeys.

Tengo algunas anécdotas que decir:

Hace unos días luego de acostar a dormir las nenas Pablo y yo estabamos en el cuarto familiar. De repente él deja caer algo:
Yo: No hagas tanto ruido que despertarás a las nenas.
Pablo: Qué ponga en el piso qué.
Grrrr, obviamente él no me estaba prestando atención.

Una nota agradable para mí fue ayer cuando Pablo estaba limpiando el patio. Estaba limpiando el frente de la casa y estaba en la calle. Ambas niñas se habían levantado de la siesta (sí claro) y estaban en la puerta mirando a Pablo.
De repente Sofía le dice: Papito ten cuidado con los carros, sal de allí.
Para mí fue emocionante escucharla alertar a su papá del peligro que conlleva estar en la carretera y que al parecer ella ya está comprendiendo.

Sí deseas contar alguna historia o anécdota no olvides visitar el blog de Missy.


Is time to SayWhat? Hosted by Missy of Two Little Monkeys.

I have some stories to tell:

Some days ago after going to bed to sleep the girls, Pablo and I were in the family room. Suddenly he drops something:
I: Do not make so much noise that will awake up the girls.
Pablo: Put on the floor what?
Grrrr, obviously he was not paying attention.

A pleasant note for me was yesterday when Pablo was cleaning the patio. He was cleaning the front of the house and he was on the street. Both girls woke up from their siesta and they were atthe door looking at Pablo.
Suddenly Sofía said: Daddy be careful with the cars, get out of there.
For it was exciting to hear her alerting her dad of the danger that involves to be in the street and that apparently she is already understanding about the dangers involved.

If you want to write about something that happened to you do not forget to visit the blog of Missy.



cat said...

Hi Annie, so cute when they get responsible. Thanks for your kind comments and I'd love to be on your blogrol.

SouthernDogwoods said...

Men never listen! Your girls are so sweet & thoughtful!!! Thanks for playing along!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! That's great that Sofia knew to warn her Daddy! You are doing a great job with them! Hope I can do the same with my girls.