Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Febrero / February

Llegó uno de los meses que más me gusta por que obviamente trae un día para celebrar. Por eso algunas de las cosas que quiero hacer durante el mes serán:
  • Hornear galletas y bizcochitos para regalar.

  • Diversas manualidades con las niñas.

  • Un picnic.
  • Empacaremos los dulces y tarjetas para los niños de la escuela.

  • Posiblemente hagamos un viaje al zoológico.

Me encanta preparar distintas cosas con las niñas y ver sus caritas de emoción cuando decoramos la casa para las diferentes celebraciones del año. Así que esten atentos a ver que ocurre en el transcurso del mes y que otras cosas podremos hacer.

Y ¿cuáles son tus planes para el mes de febrero?


PS: Sí, nuestra visita fue de 2.5 horas la espera en el dentista. Acá cuando tienes que asistir a una cita médica literalmente pierdes la mañana o la tarde en la cita por que no atienden por hora.

One of the months that I like more arrived because obviously it brings a very special day to celebrate. Therefore some of the things that I want to do during the month will be:
  • Baking cookies and cupcakes to give.

  • Diverse handicrafts with the girls.

  • A picnic.

  • We will pack candies and cards for the children of the school.

  • Possibly we might take a trip to the zoo.

I love to prepare different things with the girls and to see their faces of emotion when we decorate the house for the different celebrations of the year. So be attentive to see what happens in the course of the month and what other things we will be able to do.

And what are your plans for February?


PS: Yes, our visit to the dentist was of 2 and a half hours. Here when you have a doctor's appointment you literally lose the morning or the afternoon in the appointment because they do not attend by the hour.


Jeremi said...

we're just now starting to think about valentine's stuff. i did teach the girls how to cut out hearts so they've been working on that new skill ..... i also have a few projects and we make special treats for our neighbors, and of course for their classmates too. it's all so fun!!

how are your girls doing with listening these days?

Deanna said...

I am excited about helping my girls make Valentine cards for family members and picking out treats for their class at school!

SouthernDogwoods said...

February is such a fun month!

Twincerely,Olga said...

HI Annie! I think decorating the house~ and buying small gifts for all my children!

girlytwins said...

My girls just love decorating for the different seasons/holidays too :)

Mrs. M said...

Sounds like you have a fun month planned! I need to figure some stuff out too - so far all we have planned are the cards for the Valentine's Exchange.