Saturday, February 26, 2011

Progreso Académico / Academic Progress

Ayer recibimos el primer informe escolar de las niñas y verdaderamente fue emocionante. Gracias a Dios ambas dominan el material y son respetuosas y comparten bien con sus compañeros de clase. Pero, tienen un pequeño problemita y es que aún tienden a dejar sus cosas regadas pero, aparentemente ya están encaminadas a realizar un progreso en esa área, jaja. Ciertamente, yo no voy a decir que ellas son extremadamente organizadas como yo pero, difiero de la maestra por que tampoco son un tornado por que diariamente ellas llegan a casa con todo en su bulto y un niño que es desorganizado tiende a dejar las cosas botadas pero, yo no voy a establecer una controversia por que a fin de cuentas, ellas fueron a aprender.

Sofia y Paola quiero que sepan que estamos sumamente orgullosos de ustedes y que las amamos mucho. Dios me las bendiga siempre.


Yesterday we received the girls' first school report and it was truly exciting. Thanks to God both dominate the material and they are respectful and they share well with their schoolmates. But, they have a small problem and the fact is that still they tend to leave their things unattended but, apparently they are already on their way of progress in that area, jaja. Certainly, I am not going to say that they are extremely organized as I am but, I differ of the teacher because they are not that messy because daily they arrive at house with all in their backpack and a kid who is disorganized tends to leave the things thrown away but, I am not going to establish a controversy because after all, they went to learn.

Sofia and Paola I want you to know that we are extremely proud of you and that we love you a lot. God bless you always.



Jeremi said...

what a sweet post annie : )
ella and zoe's conference is in april and i'm really looking forward to hearing in more detail how they are doing in school, in particular how much they share what they know (they are both still pretty quiet and even shy at times).

have a wonderful sunday!

Jill said...

Good job girls!!

Meet the Smiths said...

Good job, Sofia and Paola.

Dakota received his and he is doing good academically...he needs to work on Social skills.

Anonymous said...

Good Job to both your girls!!!

girlytwins said...

So awesome girls!! Way to go! Annie you must be doing a great job :)