Definitivamente en estos días he sido pésima escribiendo pero, ya llegué otra vez. Gracias a Dios las niñas ya no están enfermas. Ya superé ese momento de tensión. Por otro lado, en el fin de semana no realizamos grandes actividades pero tengo algunas fotos que para mí fueron muy importantes y graciosas.
El sábado yo recibí mi pedido de AVON y Ana Sofia y Ana Paola decidieron que era el momento de unirse a mamita a revisar la mercancía y empacarla. También desorganizaron un poco el family pero, es mejor tenerlas activas que enfermas. Mientras que el domingo, luego de salir a comprar varias cosas para las niñas con el dinero que recibieron de cumpleaños. Dejenme decirles fue una buena opción el que las niñas recibieran dinero ya que de esa manera se les compro lo que ellas necesitaban y no todo eran juguetes como suele pasar muchas veces. Además se acerca la Navidad y allí recibirán juguetes por eso ahora se les compró ropa y otra cosas útiles para ellas.
Luego de regresar de Wal-Mart yo decidí que era tiempo de limpiar el closet de mi cuarto y adivinen, Ana Paola y Ana Sofia quisieron ayudar a mamita. Wow, fueron de mucha utilidad pero, al final solo querían jugar con la escalera donde yo estaba y querían sacarme los zapatos que estaba guardando así que fue el momento de gritarrrrr por auxilio. En fin, la pase bien con ellas como ayudantes.
Adicional, queria decirles que Pablo volvió a cambiar la imagen del Blog y en esta ocasión es con las fotos de los disfraces de Halloween. Lamentablemente, ellas no miraron a la cámara pero, la intención es la que cuenta. Disfruten las fotos.
In these last days I have been a bit lazy about writing but I'm back again. Thanks God the girls are no longer sick. I have surpassed those moments of tension. On the other hand, this past weekend we didn't have any activities but I have some photos that are very important and funny for me.
On Saturday I received my order of AVON and Ana Sofia and Ana Paola decided that it was the right moment to join mommy on the bussiness. They helped check the merchandise and prepare the orders. They made a little mess in the family room but this is better than to have them sick. On Sunday we went to buy things for the girls with the money that received on their birthday. Let me tell you that it was a good option that the girls received money on their birthday since this way we could buy them what they really need and not just toys like it happens so many times. Besides, Christmas is near and they will probably receive toys therefore now was time to buy them clothes and some other useful things.
After we returned from Wal-Mart I decided that it was time to clean my room's closet and guess what?, Ana Paola and Ana Sofia wanted to help mommy. Wow, they were a lot of help but in the end, all they wanted to do was to play with the stairs that I was using and remove all the shoes I was trying to straigthen up, so it was the moment to scream for help. It was great to have them as little helpers.
I also want to tell you that Pablo changed the Blog's image, in this occasion we used Halloween photos. Sadly, they did not look at the camera but the intention is the one that counts. Enjoy the photos.
Saturday Pictures
Why are you taking so many photos, Mommy. Don't you have something else to do?
I do all this mess but I don't care. Who need to read a newspaper?
Let's go, we need to write all the boxes.
We are the smallest employees of AVON. We will appear at Guinness Book.
Working Twins.Helping Mommy, yeah right. Sunday pictures.
What do you think, Ana Sofia? Who goes first?
I think, I'm going first, Ana Paola. 
Well, I'm always the last one. I was second place when were born cause you are always first, come on, Ana Sofia.