Monday, July 20, 2009

Lunes / Monday

Con la influenza porcina en todo su apogeo no hay muchas oportunidades para salir. Así que nuestro día transcurrió en la casa. En la mañana realizamos (las niñas me ayudaron) diversas tareas de limpieza, luego compartimos con mi vecina y el resto del día jugando, comiendo y viendo televisión (que aburrido día).

Aún así quiero contarles una ocurrencia de mis niñas. La siesta (ellas estaban acostadas pero nunca durmieron) fue el momento ideal para hablar y cantar. Mucho antes de almorzar tuve que darles un ligero baño ya que estaban cubiertas de tierra jugando en el patio. Así que al vestirlas decidí ponerles un traje. Cuando se fueron a la siesta tenían sus trajes puestos sin ningún problema. Ya cuando pasó una hora de gastar electricidad, digo de dormir, descubro que ambas se habían quitado los pañales. Mi terror era encontrar las camas orinadas puesto que ellas duermen con el aire acondicionado prendido pero, esta vez tuve suerte, nada de orines tirados por suelo.

Olvide decirles que esta mañana cuando se levantaron y yo fuí al cuarto (gracias a Dios todavía no abren la puerta, toco madera) ellas estaban escondidas detrás de la casita que hay en su cuarto y adivinen qué, Sofia se había quitado su pijama. Que ocurrencias.

A mí entender para ellas el día ha sido demasiado caluroso,jajaja.


With the swine flu situation there is not many opportunities to leave home these days. So we spent our day at home. In the morning we carry out (the girls helped me) diverse tasks of cleaning, then we share some time with my neighbor and the remainder of the day we played, ate and watched television (kind of a boring day).

Even so I want to tell you about my girls. At nap time (they were gone to bed but never slept) was the ideal moment to talk and sing. Before having lunch I had to give them a quick bath since they were covered with dirt after playing in the patio. So I decided to put them a dress. When they went to the siesta they were wearing them, no problem. After an hour of wasting electricity (the air conditioning was on), I discovered that both had removed they diapers. My terror was to find the beds urinated since they sleep with the air conditioning on but, this time I was lucky, nothing of urine.

I forget to tell mention that this morning when they woke up and I went to their room (thanks God they still do not open the door) they were hidden behind the little house in the room and guess what, Sofia removed her pajamas. I think she thought the day was too warm, ha ha ha.



SouthernDogwoods said...

Yay for keeping the bed dry!
My girls were diaper removers too! I think they loved to see who could take them off first-Ha!
PS - I was watching the news last night and a nearby city (farming city) reported 2 swine flu cases - we are staying in too!!!!

tbonegrl said...

that's great news they were dry! Mine LOVE to monkey around at nap time...dancing, singing...