Friday, July 31, 2009

Terminamos / We Finish

No vayan a pensar mal, simplemente es que por fin, terminamos de limpiar todas las ventanas y los screens, sí. Solo tengo pendiente la limpieza de armarios y sacar las cosas que ya no tienen uso para tener espacio, pero eso será poco a poco. Luego del almuerzo estuvimos demasiado relajados, simplemente no hicimos nada. Aprovechamos el tiempo para embellecernos, Pablo me pintó el pelo y yo lo recorte, luego en la noche él nos pintó las uñas a todas (eres sensacional).

Que disfruten del fin de semana al igual que yo espero que podamos hacer nosotros. (Mañana es mi cumpleaños)


Do not think badly, simply is that at last, we finished cleaning all the windows and the screens, yes. I only have left the cleaning of the closets and to remove the things that we no longer have use to get more space, but that will be done little by little. After lunch we relaxed, we simply did not do anything. We took advantage of the time to beautify ourselves, Pablo colored my hair and I cut his, later tonight he painted our fingernails (you are sensational).

Enjoy the weekend just like I expect that we will do. (Tomorrow is my birthday)




Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cosas Aquí / Things Here

Les diré que estos días han sido un poco ajetreados. Aquí en mi querida islita hemos estado recibiendo lo que llaman los meteorólogos, nubes del polvo del desierto del Sahara. Créanme que no es nada agradable y mi casa parece estar cubierta de polvo. Yo mapeo el piso y voy a los 20 minutos y camino descalza y tengo los pies sucios. Ya este polvo me tiene loca, así que el domingo comenzamos a lavar ventanas y screens. Ayer, le tocó el turno a las ventanas de la sala y el comedor, hasta allí todo bien. Las ventanas del frente de la casa son en cristal y adivinen qué, se me cayó una de las lamas y se rompió. La suerte fue que no se rompió completa y la pudimos arreglar. En 9 años limpiando estas ventanas es la primera vez que me ocurre algo así, yo pienso que es un mensaje subliminal para que Pablo me modernice un poco la casa,ja.

Hoy, continuamos limpiando pero, como no todo es limpieza también estuvimos un tiempo disfrutando la película de la Cenicienta en el piso de nuestra marquesina. Lo más importante es que sacamos tiempo para todo, limpieza y el tiempo de calidad en familia.

Comparto fotos de ambos días.
Feliz Viernes

PS: Alguien me puede decir como hacer un tutus, gracias.

These days have been a little hectic. Here in my lovely island we have been receiving what meteorologists call clouds of dust from the Sahara's desert. Believe me that is nothing pleasant and my house seems to be covered with dust. I mop the floor and after 20 minutes I walk barefoot and my feet are dirty again. All this dust is making me crazy, this Sunday we started to wash windows and screens. Yesterday we started with the windows on the living room and dining room. The windows at the front of my house are made of glass and guess what, one frame fell and broke. Lucky us it did not break completely and we could fix it. In 9 years cleaning those windows is the first time that something like this happens, I think it is a subliminal message so Pablo will finaly modernize our house, ha.

Today, we continued cleaning but, not all the time, we enjoyed the Cinderella movie on our driveway. The most important is that we find some time for everything, cleaning and quality time in family.

Here are some photos of both days.

Happy Friday


PS: Someone can tell me how to make tutus, thanks



We fixed it (sorry, I have crazy hair and a crazy look)

Paola is painting with water. That's a big hit here.

Look at their beds, they were suppossed to be at nap time,ha!

Like mother, like daughters
Watching Cinderella
I think my niece is too big for the car. But she had fun.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Way Back When-esday

Yes, this time I'm on time. My birthday is next Saturday and will share a special picture for me. It was the first time that I had my precious girls on my birthday.

Age: ????(Well, not to old but not to young,ha)
Place: My parent's house

Year: August 1, 2007

Twins Age: Almost 10 months

Go and check Twinfatuation and play along like me.

Happy Wednesday


Trabajando Duro / Working Hard

Desde el pasado sábado, Pablo y yo (y las niñas,ja) hemos estado trabajando ardua y afanadamente en nuestro patio. La verdad que nunca habíamos estado tan entusiasmados con tener un patio hermoso y acogedor. Estamos aprovechando que Pablo está de vacaciones para adelantar muchas tareas y lograr tener un patio seguro para el disfrute de nuestras hijas.

Pero, a pesar de trabajar en el patio también hemos sacado tiempo para disfrutar de las bellezas de nuestra islita. Hoy estuvimos por un pueblo de la costa (bueno yo también vivo en la costa) llamado Cabo Rojo. A nosotros nos encanta visitar ese pueblo para disfrutar de los mariscos (a las nenas y a mí nos gustan, a Pablo no, pero bueno somos tres contra uno).

Pablo quiere que visitemos varios pueblos durante sus vacaciones así que compartire con ustedes las bellezas de nuestra isla. (Ja, estoy haciendo campaña para atraer turismo, sin comisiones).

Que tengan un lindo miércoles.

Since last Saturday, Pablo and I (and the girls, ha) have been working arduously in our yard. The truth is that we have never been so keen on having a welcoming and beautiful patio. We are taking advantage of Pablo's vacations to complete yhis project and to make sure the patio is a safe place for the enjoyment of our daughters.

But, in spite of working so hard on our yard we have taken time to enjoy the beauties of our island. Today we visited a town on the coast (well I also live in the coast) call Cabo Rojo. We love to visit that town to enjoy seafood(me and the girls like it butPablo do not, so it is three against one).

Pablo wants to take us on trips to visit various towns during his vacations so I shared with you the beauties of our island. (Ha, I am doing campaign to attract tourism, without commissions).

Have a pretty Wednesday.

At home

They were painting with water. They had fun with that for a whole hour, yes.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Silent Sunday

Surprise for the girls

After the surprise they model (Note: Daddy is behind the camera not me)
Having fun
Washing the screens with Daddy
Working at the backyard
Another view
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sábado / Saturday

Bueno, gracias a Dios el día de hoy fue espectacular nada comparado con la horrorosa tarde de ayer (ya me desahogue en el mensaje de ayer). Aquí en Puerto Rico hoy era feriado debido a la conmemoración del Estado Libre Asociado así que Pablo no tuvo trabajo y oficialmente comenzó vacaciones, sí. Hoy le dedicamos todo el día a la limpieza y mejoras de nuestro patio. Eliminamos varias áreas de yerba (yo no puedo decir que es grama para que la gente diga hay que lindo, así que digo la verdad es yerba), sacamos muchas piedras que habían (al parecer teníamos una cantera aquí) , Pablo ligó cemento y rellenó varias hoyos en los bloques de la verja y sembramos varias plantas. Durante todas esas tareas estuvimos acompañados de nuestras preciosas hijas que muchas ayudaban y otras veces entorpecían labores, pero bueno ellas estaban felices y eso era lo más importante. El patio se ve mucho más bonito a pesar de que no hemos terminado de sembrar otras plantas que tenemos en planes y finalizar la verja.

Compartiré algunas fotos de lo que realizamos hoy y lo demás será mañana cuando por fin, terminemos con otras cosas.

Buenas noches

Thanks to God today was spectacular, nothing compared with yesterday's horrible afternoon (already relieved after yesterday's message). Here in Puerto Rico today is a holiday due to the commemoration of our constitution so Pablo did not have to work and officially started his vacation time, yes. Today we dedicated all day to clean and improve our patio. We eliminate several areas of grass (I cannot say that it is lawn so that people would say it is pretty, so to speak the truth is really grass), we removed many rocks (apparently we had a quarry here), Pablo made cement and filled the bricks on our fence and we sow several plants. During all those tasks we were accompanied by our precious daughters that helped and other times hindered works, but they were happy and that was it most important. The patio looks a lot more pretty in spite of the fact that we have not finished to sow other plants that have in plans and to finalize the fence.

I will share some photos of what we did today and the others will be posted tomorrow when at last, we might finish the rest.

Good evening

Early in the morning

Helping Daddy

My work (I cleaned this area, if you look to the back you will see some grass, but now it doesn't exist because I cut everything, sorry I didn't take a picture of that area, tomorrow you will see)

Later that evening after the job was done

Tired couple