Thursday, November 13, 2008

Un Día Mejor / A Better Day

Nuestro día hoy transcurrió sin grandes cambios. En la casa no hicimos nada por que hoy yo tenía cita con mi ginecólogo/obstetra. Me realicé la prueba del cáncer vaginal, que dicho sea de paso es algo horroroso para mí. Nuevamente, tendré cita en diciembre para conocer los resultados del examen y llevarle otros que me envió a hacer. Las chicas se portaron excelentemente en la oficina del Dr. y la verdad es que nosotros estabamos un poco asustados de pensar en el tiempo que se espera en una oficina de Dr.

De allí regresamos a nuestra casita a pasar un rato en familia. Además estuvo lloviendo toda la tarde y definitivamente estamos evitando otro catarro en las niñas. Les comparto algunas fotos de la tarde de hoy. Verán una foto de Ana Sofia con la cara toda sucia después de disfrutarse una barquilla de helado de chocolate mientras, Ana Paola decidió solo comerse la barquilla sin el helado. Personalidades totalmente diferentes, a una no le interesa si se ensucia un poquito mientras, la otra grita si ve una manchita en el lugar donde ella este.

Our day elapsed without large changes. We did not worked in the house because today I had an appointment with my gynecologist/obstetrician. I had the test for vaginal cancer, which is horrible for me (I don't like those tests). I have another appointment in December to know the results of the exam and to show some other lab tests he sent me to do. The girls behaved excellently at the doctor's office and the truth is that we were a little frightened thinking about the time we thought we had to wait there.
We returned to our little house to spend some time in family. Besides it started to rain and we are trying to avoid the possibility of another cold. I share some of today's photos. There's a photo of Ana Sofia with her face all dirty after enjoying a chocolate ice cream, Ana Paola decided just to eat the cone without the ice cream. Completely different personalities, one of them does not care if she gets a little bit dirty while the other screams if she sees a small spot of dirt anywhere.
Watching t.v.
Just resting.
Having fun.
Look at me, after eating my ice cream. I'm still clean, Sofia.
I don't care Paola, I enjoyed my ice cream. I'm a precious bear.


GibsonTwins said...

What cuties! I love their pink big kid beds too- we haven't ventured down that path although I have girl twin that can climb out of her crib a thousand times a day! I love how they are eating their ice cream too- mine are both like Sofia after they are finished :)

Souza Sisters said...

I hope your tests come back ok... It's raining here too... Wnated to tell you that I tagged you!! Go over to my blog and see what to do:)