El día transcurrió tranquilo. Gracias a Dios Sofia y Paola ya están bien de su catarro. Todos los días Pablo me ayuda con ellas cuando las vamos a bañar. Hoy cuando Pablo le quitó el pamper a Sofia para que fuese donde mí para bañarla ella decidió mejor subirse a la cama y sin querer se orinó. Ella estaba asustada por lo que había sucedido. Sin embargo, a nosotros nos dió risa. Son cosas que suceden y sino fuese por esos momentos la vida pasaría sin razón.
Mientras yo la bañaba, Pablo quitó el "mattress" y Paola aprovecho el momento para jugar. Aquí tengo algunas fotos para compartir el momento de practicar la habilidad de cruzar obstáculos.
He observado que nuestro "blog" se está visitando bastante y me gustaría conocer las personas que nos visitan. Me gustaría que dejen un comentario con su nombre y el lugar de dónde nos visitan. De esa manera yo también puedo visitar sus blogs y sino tienen pues por lo menos saber quienes son ustedes, gracias por su visita.
The day went easy. Thanks to God, Sofia and Paola show no signs of a cold . Every day Pablo helps me with them when we are going to bathe them. Today when Pablo removed Sofia's diaper so I could bathe her, she went to her bed and accidently urinated on it. She was frightened for which had happened. For us it was just funny and we started to laugh. This things happen and without those moments this life would pass without reason.
While I bathed her, Pablo removed the "mattress" and Paola took advantage of the situation to play. Here I have some photos to share the moment she showed us her ability to cross obstacles.
I have observed that our "blog" is being visited enough and i would like to know the people that visit us. I would be nice if you leave a comment with your name and place from where you visited us. This way I can also visit your blogs or simply know who you are. Thanks for your visit.

Mientras yo la bañaba, Pablo quitó el "mattress" y Paola aprovecho el momento para jugar. Aquí tengo algunas fotos para compartir el momento de practicar la habilidad de cruzar obstáculos.
He observado que nuestro "blog" se está visitando bastante y me gustaría conocer las personas que nos visitan. Me gustaría que dejen un comentario con su nombre y el lugar de dónde nos visitan. De esa manera yo también puedo visitar sus blogs y sino tienen pues por lo menos saber quienes son ustedes, gracias por su visita.
The day went easy. Thanks to God, Sofia and Paola show no signs of a cold . Every day Pablo helps me with them when we are going to bathe them. Today when Pablo removed Sofia's diaper so I could bathe her, she went to her bed and accidently urinated on it. She was frightened for which had happened. For us it was just funny and we started to laugh. This things happen and without those moments this life would pass without reason.
While I bathed her, Pablo removed the "mattress" and Paola took advantage of the situation to play. Here I have some photos to share the moment she showed us her ability to cross obstacles.
I have observed that our "blog" is being visited enough and i would like to know the people that visit us. I would be nice if you leave a comment with your name and place from where you visited us. This way I can also visit your blogs or simply know who you are. Thanks for your visit.

1 comment:
I am here!! I love your girls beds!! So cute:)
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