Thursday, April 5, 2012

Día 2 Receso de Semana Santa / Spring Break Day 2

Un gran día para celebrar en estos días libres. Hoy tuvimos un compartir con unas amiguitas en nuestra casa. Las cuatro niñas jugaron hasta el cansancio con diversos juguetes, ellas modelaron, corrieron bicicleta y "scooters", comimos pizza, en fin, un gran día de juegos.


PS: Hoy ambas niñas se levantaron a las 11. Cabe mencionar que esto no ocurre siempre, de hecho, es bien raro, pero hay que aprovechar el momento. También se acostaron pasadas las 10 de la noche.

A great day to celebrate in these free days.  Today we had a visit from some friends in our house.  The four girls played to the exhaustion with many toys, they modeled, they ride bicycle and "scooters", we ate pizza, in short, a great playdate. 


PS:  Today both girls woke up at 11 o'clock.  It fits to mention that this does not happen all the time, in fact, is very rare, but we must take advantage of the moment.  Also they went to bed after 10 at night. 


Jeremi said...

hi annie, i tried leaving messages on your last two posts but it won't let me -- not sure why.

enjoy your break/time off with the girls!! i love days that are open, those little things mean so much and can be so much fun : )

and definitely enjoy those 11am sleep-ins when they happen : )

happy good friday, friend!
: ) jeremi

SarahMarie said...

Sounds like a perfect spring break day! :)