Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mis 25 Regalos de Navidad / My 25 Christmas Gifts

A partir de hoy comenzaré a escribir mis 25 regalos de Navidad (no se asusten que no voy a llevar a Pablo a la bancarrota). Sino que todos los días escribiré lo que deseo como regalo (nada complicado) y que me llevará hasta el Día de Navidad. Ese día haré una lista con los 25 regalos que deseo en mi vida por siempre.

Así que mi primer regalo es: Dios, mi fortaleza.

Feliz Semana


PS: No olviden que el próximo lunes, 7 de diciembre haremos el recorrido por sus casas para ver sus decoraciones de Navidad. Colocaré a "Mr. Linky".

From today I will start to write my 25 gifts for Christmas (do not be alarmed I am not going to take Pablo to the bankruptcy). But every day I will write what I desire as a gift (nothing complicated) and I will do this until Christmas Day. That day I will do a list with the 25 gifts that desire in my life for always.

So my first gift is: God, my fortress.

Happy Week


PS: Do not forget that next Monday,December 7 I will start a tour by your houses to see your Christmas decorations. I will place a "Mr. Linky".


Raising Z and Lil C said...

What a wonderful idea and what a wonderful first gift :) I will take some photos of my house for Dec. 7th!

Angela Holland said...

What a cute idea!! Very good first gift!! :)

monica said...

It's been a while since I have checked in...but it looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! I like your first gift and can't wait to hear about the other 24! I am preparing my Christmas agenda post now...I think I have the correct tasks! I will do the home tour with you also...as long as I get decorated in time! I think I might have messed that task somewhere :))

Deanna said...

Great idea! I hate when people ask what I want for Christmas... it's so hard to ask for material things I want for myself. I have all I need! : )

SouthernDogwoods said...

What a great idea! I will definitely play along with the Christmas Home tour!

Lee-Ann said...

What a great idea! I'll have to take some pictures too!

Meet the Smiths said...

Great idea!! I might do the same as you.

Not too many decorations up here yet...so I better get decorating if I need to show some pics!