Monday, October 5, 2009

Fín De las Terapias / The End of the Therapies

Hoy fue la última terapia de las nenas. Ellas pertenecían al Programa de Intervención Temprana desde que tenían unos 8 meses. Allí recibieron terapia física y del habla. Fue un programa excelente que a pesar de ser gratuito cuenta con un personal responsable y dedicado a su trabajo. Verdaderamente no me quejo del servicio. Ambos servicios fueron ofrecidos por una joven muy amable y cariñosa. Siempre trato mis niñas con dulzura y las hizo sentir muy bien. Las nenas se emocionaban cuando ella llegaba y cuando llegaba el momento de irse salían a la marquesina a decirle adiós. Gracias Joibel por haber sido parte importante en la vida de mis niñas y por realizar un trabajo de excelencia, además gracias por tu amistad, Dios te bendiga (te espero el sábado en la fiesta).

Que tengan una linda semana

PS: No olviden ver mi mensaje anterior sobre los lazos para el pelo que tenemos disponible en nuestra tienda Etsy.

Today was the girls last therapy. They have been part of an Early intervention Program since they were 8 months old. There they received physical and speech therapy. It was an excellent program. Besides the fact that it was free, they have a very responsible personnel very dedicated to their work. I can not complain of the service. Both services were offered by a loving and very kind person. She always treated my girls with sweetness and made them feel very well. The girls were happy when she arrived and when it was time to leave they walked to the porch to wave her good-bye. Thanks Joibel for being a very important part in the life of my girls and by carrying out a work of excellence, besides thanks for your friendship, God bless(I hope to see you on Saturday at the party).

Have a nice week Annie

PS: Do not forget to see my previous message on the hair bows that we have available at our Etsy store.

Here is Joibel with the girls


Meet the Smiths said...

awww! I know they will miss Joibel. But what an accomplishment for the girls...finishing all their therapies. We are thinking of putting Lily into speech therapy.

Love the bows, but if I bought another one, My hubby would go crazy. haha..maybe I can convince him as it gets closer to the holidays.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

How great that you had such a wonderful experience.

Jeremi said...

Not sure if my commets are coming through -- been having a problem posting on a few other blogs too.