Saturday, October 10, 2009

Feliz Cumpleaños Sofia y Paola / Happy Birthday Sofia and Paola

Hoy se cumplen tres años de tener en mi vida a mis amadas hijas. Ciertamente, ellas son la bendición más grande que he recibido y por la cual doy gracias a Dios diariamente. No solo le agradezco a Dios esta oportunidad que me brindó de ser madre sino de ser madre de gemelas. En un principio hubo temores y ansiedades por esta nueva etapa pero luego, todo surge con tanta normalidad que es difícil explicar. Siempre la gente dice "los hijos te cambian la vida", claro, es cierto, pero te la cambian para bien y le dan sentido a tu vida. Gracias a Dios he podido disfrutar cada día con ustedes y eso se lo agradezco de todo corazón a su papito, que me pudo dar esta oportunidad tan maravillosa.

Sofia: Tienes un gran carisma y unos sentimientos indescriptibles. Eres sensible y sumamente cariñosa (lo cual yo adoro). Tienes una energía indescriptible y unas ocurrencias que haces reír hasta la persona más gruñona del mundo pero, a la vez sueles ser un poco tímida (claro cuando te conviene,jajaja). Eres dominante (cualquier parecido con ... es pura casualidad,jaja). Todos dicen que tu parecido conmigo es indiscutible pero, la verdad eso no es tan importante para mí sino el tener la dicha de que seas parte de mi vida. Te amo, Sofia y Dios te bendiga y te proteja siempre.

Paola, eres la chiquita (así te digo siempre). Eres la payasita, siempre estas haciendo reír. Tus ocurrencias son inimaginables. Eres sumamente cariñosa (lo cual yo adoro). Sueles ser un poquito más tranquila,jajaja. Pero, te encantan las travesuras y luego le echas la culpa a Papito. Eres decidida y dominante (esto no sé de donde lo heredastes). De tí dicen que te pareces a tu papito, eso no lo sé y la verdad es irrelevante por que lo más importante es tenerte junto a mí. Te amo Paola y Dios te bendiga y te proteja siempre.

Les deseo un Feliz Cumpleaños # 3 y les aseguro que cada día que pasa las amo mucho más. Gracias por ser como son y Dios mío, gracias por estas niñas saludables y felices.

Las amo con todo mi corazón.

Today I celebrate three years of having in my life my beloved daughters. Certainly, they are the largest blessing than I have received and by which I give thanks to God daily. Not only I thank God for this opportunity that he offered me of being a mother but to be mother of twins. At first there were fears and anxieties by this new phase but then, all flows with so much normality that is difficult to explain. People always say "children will change your life", of course, but they change it for the best and they give you a real reason to life. Thanks to God I have been able to enjoy each day with you and that I also thank with all my heart to your daddy, and this marvelous opportunity he was able to give me.

Sofia: You have a great charisma and some indescribable feelings. You are sensitive and extremely loving (which I worship). You have an indescribable energy and some occurrences that cause laugh to the grumpiest person of the world but, at the same time are used to being a little timid (at convenience of course, hahahaha). You are dominant (any similitude with... is pure coincidence, haha). Everyone say that you are just like me but, the truth is that it is not so important for me that fact but to have the happiness of having you as part of my life. I love you, Sofia and God bless and protect you always.

Paola, you are the small child (thus I tell you always). You are the little clown, always causing laughter. Your occurrences are unimaginable. You are extremely loving (which I worship). You are used to being a little bit more tranquil, jajaja. Your mischiefs they charm you and then you blame daddy. You are determined and dominant (I do not know from whom you inherited that). They say you look like daddy, that I do not I know but the truth is irrelevant because the most important is to have you next to me. I love you Paola and God bless and protect you always.

I wish you a Happy Birthday # 3 and I assure you that each day that passes I love you a lot more. Thanks for being like you are and my God, thanks for these happy and healthy girls.

I love you with all my heart.



Jeremi said...

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sofia!!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Paola!!

Annie -- have a WONDERFUL Birthday weekend with your girls and family : ) Can't wait to hear more details and see pics from the party.

Your letters to your daughters was beautiful.
So glad we're blog friends!

Malena said...

What a beautiful text written to your daughters, make sure you print out and save for them!
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Sofia and Paola! Have a wonderful day and God Bless you always!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday beautiful girls!!!

Staci said...

Happy birthday girls. Wow 3 years old. Hope you have a great day!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Happy Birthday Sofia & Paola!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Annie, what a sweet post to your girls!

Meet the Smiths said...

Happy Birthday, Sofia and Paola.

You are a truly blesses Momma, Annie.

Andreina said...

Que bonito lo que les escribes!

Happy birthday girls!!!

mary said...

HI!!! Annie' estube mirando las fotos they looked so beautiful!!!!!! Espero tener mi nena pronto... oye hojala y podamos cambiar el correo para platicar mas de las fista de mis twins...ok???