En otros temas, ya Sofia y Paola están usando la silla de comer pero sin la bandeja y la verdad que ha sido todo un éxito. A veces, no quiero aceptar que mis niñas están creciendo y que tienen dos años y en distintas ocasiones las trato como bebés. Por ejemplo, ellas son capaces de comer solas, pero no, allí vengo yo y les doy la comida. Pero, está semana decidí que tengo dejarlas a ellas hacer ciertas cosas solas y que lo mejor del caso es que ellas disfrutan haciéndolas. Es mejor que yo este supervisando y no controlando la situación. Bueno, lo mejor de todo es que si ellas comen solas aunque parezca increíble hacen menos regueros que cuando yo les doy la comida, por que no me di cuenta de eso antes. En lo demás Sofia y Paola llevan un excelente desarrollo y cada día aprenden más y más. Definitivamente ellas son nuestra bendición, las amo mucho.
Aquí les comparto algunas fotos de mis dos preciosas hijas.
Linda semana para todos.
This year I think I am falling behind with my Christmas decorations since I am used to decorate during the weekend before thanksgiving. Anyway we have already started our decorations so no longer we will be odd house in our neighborhood without decorations (well, I have neighbors that are young but that are so boring that they do not place a single row of lights). At last, all the decorations and lights that are used in the patio have been placed. Right now all that's left is to place some decorations inside the house and that is something I can do quickly and the tree is already in it's place but wihout decorations. I forgot to take pictures of the patio decorations and around the house. Tomorrow I will show the photos.
In other themes, Sofia and Paola are using the chairs to eat without the trays and the truth is that has been a huge success. At times, I do not want to accept that my girls are growing and that they are two years old and in different occasions I think they are babies. For example, they are capable of eating alone but sometimes I still want to feed them. But this week I decided that I have to leave them to do certain things by themselves and it seems that they enjoy doing them. It is better that I supervise and not control the situation. Good, the best of all is that when they eat by themselves they make less mess than when I give them the food, I guess, I did not realized that before. Sofia and Paola are having a nice progress in everything they do and each day they learn more and more. There is no doubt that they are our blessing, I love them a lot.
Pretty week for all.

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