Monday, December 29, 2008
Durante este año 2008 hemos tenido: buena salud, tengo un esposo fabuloso, dos hijas maravillosas que alegran nuestros días, pudimos compramos la minivan que tanto queríamos, gracias a mi familia pudimos disfrutar de unas vacaciones todos juntos, Pablo logro conseguir un ascenso en su trabajo, comencé mi blog, hemos sobrevivido a la crisis económica que azota al país, pero, lo mejor de todo es la fe que tenemos en Dios. Gracias a Dios todas estas cosas hemos podido pasar un año lleno de bendiciones.
Sé que el 2009 será un año de muchas bendiciones más y que con Dios logramos superar todas las cosas que se nos presenten.
Muchas bendiciones en el 2009 para cada una de ustedes y sus familias.
Con cariño
There are just a few days left before the year is over. I want to recall some important things that happened to me. At the end of 2007 there are some things that happened to us that I wish I could forget and I thought "if this is the way the year ended, I don't want to think what the next would bring". But I learned that we should not let our negative thoughts dominate us and to always think positively. Thanks to God in those moments we unite more and we find our way to get things better.
During this year 2008 we have had: good health, I have a fabulous husband, two marvelous daughters that give us much happiness, we were able to buy the minivan that we wanted so much, thanks to my family we could enjoy some holidays all together, Pablo achieved to obtain an ascent on his job, I started my blog, we have survived the economic crisis that hits the country, but, the best of all is the faith that we have in God. Thanks to God all these things we have been able to spend a full year of blessings.
I know that the 2009 will be a year of many blessings more and that with God we will manage to surpass all the things to come.
Many blessings in the 2009 for each one of you and their families.
With affection
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Navidad 2008 / Christmas Day 2008
Cuando Sofia y Paola vieron todos los regalos se quedaron pasmadas. No podían creer de donde salieron todas esas cosas. Fue increíble ver su emoción. Inmediatamente se sentaron en la mesita que recibieron, luego en los asientos de las princesas y después a la mesa otra vez. Ya en la mesa se levantaron para comenzar a buscar los regalos que estaban debajo del árbol y comenzar a abrirlos. Disfrutaron mucho rompiendo el papel de regalo, Santa Claus se porto muy bien. En nuestra casa recibieron libros, una mesa, sillas de princesas, unas pizarras pequeñas, play doh, ropa y una bola para cada una. Luego, jugamos todos por largo tiempo.
Más tarde, vinieron a nuestra casa mi hermana con mis sobrinos a recoger lo que Santa les dejó y a traerle a las niñas sus obsequios. Allí recibieron al Barney que enseña los colores, fantástico. Luego, pasamos el resto de la tarde en la casa de mis padres. Allí recibieron rompecabezas, ropa, unas computadoras y a Tasha y Uniqua de los Backyardigans. También disfrutamos de una rica comida, gracias mami.
Pasamos un rato tranquilo y Sofia y Paola estaban felices con todos sus regalos. Definitivamente se portaron bien durante este año.
Pero para nosotros la Navidad aún no termina ya que aún nos falta la Despedida de Año, Año Nuevo y por último el 6 de enero celebramos la llegada de los Tres Reyes Magos. Lo que significa que durante estos días debemos entregarle a los Tres Reyes Magos la lista de regalos para ese día, así que Sofia y Paola estén listas por que esto aún no termina.
Les dejo con fotos de nuestro día.
In these last two years with the girls, getting up late has become part of the past but, the night before Christmas we stayed up late, so we woke up a 10:45 am on Christmas day. That was the best gift for us.
When Sofia and Paola saw all the gifts they were stunned. They could not understand from where all those things came from. It was incredible to see their exitement. They sat down immediately on the small table they received, then on the princesses' seats and later back to the table. After that they went straight to the gifts that were under the tree and began to open them. They enjoyed a lot ripping the wrapping paper, Santa Claus was very thougthfull. In our house they received books, a table, princesses' seats, small boards, play doh, clothes and a ball for each one. Then, we played for a long time.
Later, my sister came by with my niece and nephew to collect what Santa left them and to bring some gifts for the girls. They received a Barney that teaches colors, fantastic. Then, we spent the remainder of the afternoon at my parents house. There they received puzzles, clothes, toy computers and Tasha and Uniqua of the Backyardigans. We also enjoyed a tasty meal, thanks mommy.
We had a good time. Sofia and Paola were happy with all the gifts. It seems that they were good girls during this year.
But for us Christmas season has not yet finish there is the New Year, and finally, on January 6 we celebrate the arrival of the Three Kings. This means that during these days we should deliver to the Three Kings the list of gifts we want for that day. So Sofia and Paola, get ready bacause there is still more.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Noche Buena / Christmas Eve
We decided to stay at home on Christmas Eve with our family. Pablo and I took many photos of Sofia and Paola that day. They were having so much fun that they remained awake past midnight. Simply they did not want to waste a minute of fun, every night they go to bed early so that night they received bonus time to go to bed late. Here are some photos of that night.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Días Ajetreados / Busy Days
El día de ayer transcurrió entre la terapia del habla de Sofia y Paola, cocinar, recoger algunas cosas, visitar a mi mamá, realizar la orden de compra de AVON, hablar con mi vecina y comadre y por último, ver mi programa favorito de los lunes Jon and Kate plus 8. Y hoy, mis niñas decidieron despertar a las 4:00 a.m. a jugar (dicho sea de paso llevan cuatro semanas seguidas que hacen esto). A esa hora nos levantamos a cambiar pañales y les damos una botella de leche que las envie directo a la cama y claro, a esa hora uno pierde los mejores momentos de sueño, pero así es la vida de los padres. También hoy me realicé una mamografía ya que hay que cuidarse, así que esperar como sale el resultado.
Les deseo una Feliz Navidad y que disfruten en compañía de sus familiares y amigos, Dios los bendiga.
The truth is that these days have been quite hectic. I was at my gynecoligist' appointment and he told me that the laboratory tests came out well. On Friday and Saturday I completed some tasks of cleaning the house. On Saturday afternoon we went shopping with my mom. In spite of being the weekend before Christmas and there was a lot of people on th mall, it was not difficult to shop. That day Sofia and Paola did not want to be in their strollers so they walked most of the time. After a while we convince them that to sit on their strollers to take milk so we all could rest a little and have some peace. It is not easy to try to shop with two girls whose interests are to walk, to walk, to walk and to continue walking, wow, the energy they have. When arrived to my mom's house they still had enough energy to continue running around but I felt like dynamite, exploited. That night they slept happy and at Sunday they woke up at 10:00 a.m., incredible. Sunday we continue shopping(do not think that we wasted our time the day before, what happens is that among changing diapers, giving them crackers, milk or food so they remain tranquil while trying to make some purchases well, time flies). Sundays we have the pressure that stores open at11:00 a.m. and they close at 5:00 p.m., absurd law that regulates Sunday shopping. When I go shopping on Sundays I feel like the roadrunner, but still I manage to have a good time.
Yesterday we had the girl's speech therapy , I cooked, clened around the house, visited my mom, place the AVON purchase order, spend a little time with my neighbor and finally, saw my favorite show "Jon and Kate plus 8". Today, my girls decided to wake up at 4:00 a.m. to play (by the way, this is the fourth week in a row that they have been doing this). Wehad to get up, change diapers, give them a bottle of milk andt send them directly back to bed and of course, missed the best hours of sleep, but this is all part of parenting. Also today I had a mammogram (I'm trying to be responsible with my body), we'll just have to wait for the results .
Sofia, Paola, Pablo and I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you all enjoy in company of your family and friends, God bless.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
20 de Diciembre / December 20
Cabe recordar que días antes habíamos perdido nuestro automóvil en un accidente así que de necesitar ir a la oficina del pediatra tendría que esperar a que mi mamá terminara de trabajar a las 3:00 p.m. para que me llevara. Cerca del mediodía Sofia comenzó a tener fiebre también pero no tan alta pero, le dí medicamento y comencé a preparar todo para cuando mi mamá saliera de su trabajo me llevara a la oficina del pediatra que dicho sea de paso, es en otro pueblo, alrededor de 30 minutos de distancia de mi casa.
Al llegar a la oficina pues le digo al pediatra como seguía Paola pero, que quiero que revisen a Sofia también. Al revisar a Paola no tenía fiebre y no presentaba ningún problema pero, aún así le envió a hacer unos análisis de laboratorio por si había algún virus. Le toca el turno a Sofia y sorpresa, tenía una fiebre alta y le dan inmediatamente medicamento y le ponen un supositorio. Al salir de la oficina del pediatra yo estaba más tranquila puesto que todo era cuestión de controlar la fiebre y darles el antibiótico.
Mi hermana le había prestado su carro a Pablo ya que ella estaría en su fiesta de Navidad y no lo necesitaría. Al llegar con mi mamá a su casa él también estaba llegando por lo que decidimos dejar las niñas con mi mamá para ir a la farmacia, en este momento ambas niñas están estables con la fiebre. Decidimos ir a Walgreens y la joven que nos atendió nos indicó que se tardarían dos horas para despacharnos la receta por que tenían muchas y aún así nosotros decidimos dejarla (si ya sé cometimos un error por que pudimos haber buscado otra farmacia) y nos fuimos a casa de mi mamá. A las dos horas salimos a buscar el medicamento pero, antes de irnos le dimos panadol para la fiebre. Cuando regresamos a la casa mis padres no estaban y nos preguntamos a donde pudieron haber con 4 niños y tres de ellos usaban asientos protectores. Al entrar encontramos que la puerta estaba abierta, todas las luces encendidas y los celulares de ellos estaban en la casa por lo que pensamos lo peor. De repente, entra una llamada rara al celular de mi hermana y era mi papá notoficando que estaban en el hospital por que Sofia tenía convulsiones a consecuencia de la fiebre. En ese momento el mundo se derrumbó y pensé que había perdido a mi bebé. Fue horrible pero, al llegar al hospital la niña ya había reaccionado y estaba estable. Esa noche estuvimos en dos hospitales diferentes para hacerle diferentes exámenes a Sofia y regresamos a nuestra casa casi a las 4:00 de la madrugada. Mi mamá nos cuenta que Sofia se desvaneció en sus brazos y no reaccionaba y que mi sobrina que en aquel momento tenía 8 años iba rezando por el camino hacia el hospital.
Gracias a Dios, Sofia no sufrió daños con las convulsiones y por eso cada vez que se enferman salimos corriendo hacia la oficina del pediatra. Prefiero sentir que exagero y no tener que vivir otra experiencia como esa. Además aprendí que cuando les da fiebre debo bañarlas con el agua fría y luego con unas toallas pequeñas que esten mojadas con agua fría pasarselas por los pies y la parte de átras del cuello. También que le coloque un supositorio y le dé Advil. Así que eso hacemos ahora.
On friday, December 20th, 2007 we lived our worse nightmare as parents. All began at 6:00 a.m. when Paola started crying and trembling. We checked her temperature and found that she had a very high fever. We immediately gave her medicine and called the pediatrician, yes at 6:10 a.m. Luckily the doctor answered his celland indicated us that we should do. He also told us that we should keep him reported on the state of the fever.
A few days before we had a car accident, so we had no car at the time. To go to the pediatrician's office we had to wait until my mom came back from work at 3:00 p.m. so she could take us there. At noon Sofia showed some signs of fever too, I gave her medicine and waited for my mom to take us to the pediatrician that, by the way, it is in another town, around 30 minutes of distance from my house.
Upon arriving at the office, the pediatrician saw Paola and I asked him to check Sofia too. When he saw Paola, she had fever and there was no serious problem present but, still he sent us to have her son laboratory tests to find if it was some virus. On Sofia's turn he realized she had a high fever and gave her medicine immediately and put her a suppository. When we left the doctor's office I was more tranquil since all was left was tocontrol the fever and give them antibiotic.
My sister lent her car to Pablo since she had a Christmas party that day. When we arrived to my mom's house he was also arriving so we decide to leave the girls with my mom to go to the pharmacy, at this time both girls are stable with the fever. We decide to go to Walgreens and the young woman that attended us told us that the prescription would delay two hours because they had many and even so we decide to leave it (nowI know we made a mistake because we could have sought another pharmacy) and we went back to my mom's house. Two hours later we left to pick the medicine but, before leaving we gave them panadol for the fever. When we came back we found out they were not there and we ask ourselves where they could have gone with 4 children and three of them used protective seats. We found that the door was open, all the lights were on and forgot their cell phones , at this moment eo thought the worse thing. Suddenly my sister recieved a unknown phone call at her cell, it was my dad, he informed her that they had to rush to the hospital because Sofia had convulsions in consequence of the fever. Just then my world collapsed and thought that we had lost our baby. Was horrible but, upon arriving at the hospital the girl had already reacted and stable. That night we went to two hospitals with Sofia and we came back home at 4:00 a.m. My mom told us that Sofia fainted on her arms and did not react and that my niece, who was 8 years old then, was praying all the way to the hospital.
Thanks God, Sofia did not suffer damages with those convulsions and therefore each time they get sick we run to the pediatrician. I prefer to feel that I exaggerate and not to have to live another experience like that. Besides I learned that when there's a fever I should bathe them with cold water and put some cold small wet towels on feet and on the back of the neck. We also have suppositories and Advil all the time. So that we do now.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Preparándonos Para la Navidad / Getting Ready for Christmas
En otros temas, gracias a Dios todos estamos bien. Paola y Sofia cada día realizan cosas nuevas y aprenden más cosas. Tienen una energía envidiable. En estos días espero poder llevarlas a hacerse su primer corte de pelo, pueden creerlo tienen dos años y nunca las hemos recortado, wow. Estoy ansiosa por ver la reacción de las niñas cuando encuentres sus regalos debajo del árbol, será una experiencia increíble. El año pasado ellas se emocionaron con sus regalos pero, eran pequeñas y pues este año ya están un poquito más grandes y van entendiendo más las cosas.
En estos momentos no tengo fotos para postear ya que he tenido problemas con las baterías de la cámara pero, espero tener fotos para los próximos días.
Sialguien tiene alguna receta fácil para hacer galletas me gustaría que me la enviara lo antes posible a ver que tal me va haciendo galletas.
In these last days I've been doing some tasks around the house. I want the house to look spectacular. Our great project was the family room and is almost finished, just some decoration details and it'll be ready. I must finish before the weekend because I want to spend the rest of the time with Sofia, Paola, Pablo and the rest of the family. It is important to finish all the cleaning details now because later I wish to enjoy the holidays without being to tired because the cleaning. I do not want to forget any of the pending tasks so I made a list and each time I complete something I know I am closer to finish the whole project.
In other themes, thanks to God we are well. Paola and Sofia do more different things each day and learn more things. They have a lot of energy. In these days I hope I can take them to have their first haircut Can you believe it has been more than two years and they never have had a trim? I am anxious to see their reaction when they find their gifts under the tree, it will be an incredible experience. Last year they were excited with their gifts but, they were small and therefore this year they are a little bit older and they might understand things better.
In these moments I do not have photos since I'm having problems with my camera but, I think there will be photos the next days.
If someone has a cookie recipe please share it with me. I wish to find out if I can do them for the holidays.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
14 de Diciembre / December 14
1. Hace exactamente tres años que Pablo y yo nos habíamos decidido a comenzar todos los exámenes para saber por qué no teníamos hijos. Fue a principios del 2005 cuando visitamos al médico que nos realizaría nuestro tratamiento. Luego de los exámenes de rigor el doctor nos dijo la cantidad de dinero que necesitamos para comenzar el tratamiento. Necesitabamos bastante dinero y el seguro médico no cubría estos gastos. Bueno, luego de realizar diversas actividades de recaudación de fondos y de muchas lágrimas en el proceso, Dios nos concedió un milagro. El 14 de diciembre de 2005 fue cuando recibimos el dinero que necesitabamos para comenzar nuestro tratamiento. Hay personas que dicen o piensan que los milagros no existen y nosotros damos fé de que sí existen y que las cosas llegan a su lugar cuando Dios entiende que es el momento correcto.
2. El año pasado Pablo tuvo un accidente de carro a menos de 3 minutos de nuestro hogar. Ese día el regresaba de su trabajo para llegar a la casa y salir todos a ver el programa de Navidad de la escuela donde estudiaba nuestra sobrina. El accidente fue ocasionado por un conductor ebrio que rebasó la luz roja del semáforo y se llevó a Pablo enredado. Gracias a Dios a Pablo no le ocurrió nada y a pesar de que estuvimos sin transportación por un mes y medio pudimos comprar la minivan que tenemos hoy día. Por eso, todos los días le agradezco a Dios el permitirnos gozar de un día más de vida y que estemos juntos.
Definitivamente el 14 de diciembre será una fecha que no podremos olvidar nunca.
Espero que sigan bien y que tengan una buena semana.
December 14 is an important date in our lives for two reasons.
1. Exactly three years ago Pablo and I were determined to start all the exams to know why we could not have children. It was early 2005 when we visit the fertility specialist. After the preliminary tests exams the doctor told us the ammount of money that we needed to start the process. We needed a lot of money and our medical insurance did not covered those expenses. After trying diverse fund collection activities and many tears in the process, God granted us a miracle. On December 14, 2005 we received the money we needed to continue with the treatment. There are people that say or think that miracles do not exist but we are living proof that they exist and that things happen when God understands that is the right moment.
2. Last year, on December 14, 2007, Pablo had a car accident a few moments before arriving home. That day he returned from work with the plan of leaving quickly to see the Christmas' play of the school where our niece was part of. The accident was caused by a drunken driver that surpassed the red light. Thanks God nothing bad happened to Pablo. We were without transportation for almost two months but we were able to buy the minivan that we have now. Therefore, every day I thank God for the opportunity he gives us to enjoy one more day and for keeping us together.
Finally December 14 will be a date that we will not be able to forget.
I wish you all have a nice week.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
decoración final de navidad/Christmas final decorations
Las siguientes fotos son de la ya terminada decoración de Navidad en la casa. Casi espero al año nuevo para terminar pero bueno más vale tarde que nunca.
I am going to share some of yesterday's photos with you. This was after our encounter with Santa Claus. Sofia and Paola were walking on the mall and they held hands, I thought it was an extremely charming moment.
The following photos are the Christmas' decorations in the house. I almost wait for the new year to finish but it's better late than never.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Atracción Fatal con Santa / Fatal Attraction with Santa
A fin de cuentas, cuando tenías a las niñas más tranquilas o al menos a Paola, Santa se acercó otra vez, y comenzamos a gritar. Yo me alejé más del área pero, Paola quedó traumatizada con él. Con decirles que cada vez que salíamos de alguna tienda hacia el pasillo del mall, ella se tapaba la cara. Oh Dios, en última instancia tuvimos que caminar por el estacionamiento y entrar por otra tienda y esquivar el pasillo, bueno las cosas que uno hace por los hijos.
Terminando la historia, cero foto con Santa hasta posiblemente 20 años más tarde, jejeje.
Pablo and I made plans for the afternoon like every Tuesday. Among our plans we wanted to give our girls their first haircut and to have a photo with Santa Claus. All seemed to go wonders on our way to the shopping center (about 30 to 45 minutes from home) because they had their afternoon siesta. We were delighted since there were no tantrums related to lack of sleep and as soon as they wake up, they ate, all a success. We enter the shopping center to see Santa and the girls were positive about the photo. But we found that Santa was not seated on his chair, he was walking around giving candy. The girls showed some enthusiasm until Santa was near them. The problem was not that he came near us, the problem was that he did not speak to them and not even smiled to them before heget near us. Just imagine walking out a store and suddenly someone stands beside you, the surest thing is that you'll get scared, well this happened to them. The best of all is that the first one to get frightened was Sofia but when things were getting less tense between Santa and Sofia he tried to approach Paola and touched her in the back. She started screaming so loud it was like the siren of a firetruck in an emergency, wow).
When we had the girls calmed a little bit, specially Paola, Santa got near us again, and she started screaming again. I moved away from the area but, Paola remained traumatized with him. Each time we walked in the hallways of the mall she covered her face. Oh God, our last resort was to walk thru parking lot to go from store to store, the things we have to do for our children.
Finishing the story, zero photo with Santa for the next 20 years (if we are lucky), jejeje.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Decoración navideña & comiendo solitas / Christmas decorations & eating by themselves
En otros temas, ya Sofia y Paola están usando la silla de comer pero sin la bandeja y la verdad que ha sido todo un éxito. A veces, no quiero aceptar que mis niñas están creciendo y que tienen dos años y en distintas ocasiones las trato como bebés. Por ejemplo, ellas son capaces de comer solas, pero no, allí vengo yo y les doy la comida. Pero, está semana decidí que tengo dejarlas a ellas hacer ciertas cosas solas y que lo mejor del caso es que ellas disfrutan haciéndolas. Es mejor que yo este supervisando y no controlando la situación. Bueno, lo mejor de todo es que si ellas comen solas aunque parezca increíble hacen menos regueros que cuando yo les doy la comida, por que no me di cuenta de eso antes. En lo demás Sofia y Paola llevan un excelente desarrollo y cada día aprenden más y más. Definitivamente ellas son nuestra bendición, las amo mucho.
Aquí les comparto algunas fotos de mis dos preciosas hijas.
Linda semana para todos.
This year I think I am falling behind with my Christmas decorations since I am used to decorate during the weekend before thanksgiving. Anyway we have already started our decorations so no longer we will be odd house in our neighborhood without decorations (well, I have neighbors that are young but that are so boring that they do not place a single row of lights). At last, all the decorations and lights that are used in the patio have been placed. Right now all that's left is to place some decorations inside the house and that is something I can do quickly and the tree is already in it's place but wihout decorations. I forgot to take pictures of the patio decorations and around the house. Tomorrow I will show the photos.
In other themes, Sofia and Paola are using the chairs to eat without the trays and the truth is that has been a huge success. At times, I do not want to accept that my girls are growing and that they are two years old and in different occasions I think they are babies. For example, they are capable of eating alone but sometimes I still want to feed them. But this week I decided that I have to leave them to do certain things by themselves and it seems that they enjoy doing them. It is better that I supervise and not control the situation. Good, the best of all is that when they eat by themselves they make less mess than when I give them the food, I guess, I did not realized that before. Sofia and Paola are having a nice progress in everything they do and each day they learn more and more. There is no doubt that they are our blessing, I love them a lot.
Pretty week for all.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Cuide las Fotos de sus Hijos / Take Care of your Kids Photos
Pero, no todo es color de rosa y en estos pasados días leí sobre una persona que se está dedicando a ursurpar fotos de niños de diferentes blogs y los hace pasar como su familia. Estamos hablando de un asunto muy serio. A ninguna de nosotras nos gustaría ver las fotos de nuestros hijos en otra página sin nuestro consentimiento y mucho menos que esa persona la haga pasar como suya. Tal vez, puede ser que exagere en pasar la noticia pero, siento que es mi deber por que hoy puede ser otra familia pero, mañana puede ser la mía. Esto es una violación a la ley de confidencialidad y no es aceptable en los acuerdos que aceptamos para crear nuestro blog. En este caso las fotos se están usando para fingir una familia pero, no sabemos que otra cosa podrían hacer con las fotos y menos a manos de quién pueden ir a parar. Todo esto es mi sentir hacia este tipo de asuntos que no son nada graciosos y con los cuáles no estoy de acuerdo.
Pero, para mayor información y para la historia completa las exhorto a visitar : . Ojalá todos se animaran a colocar un mensaje sobre este asunto en sus blogs.
Every day after the girls go to bed I read various blogs. In them I find ideas of how to improve my daugthers development, ideas on how to keep things organized, handicrafts, in short, I enjoy seeing the achievements of each family. For me these blogs are sacred because each mom or dad that sits down to write about what's been happening in their families is doing it with the purpose of sharing experiences or in many occasions to seek counseling.
But, not everything is pink, I read about a person that has been taking photos of children of different blogs and posting them as her family. We are talking of a very serious matter. None of us would like to see the photos of our children in another page without our consent and even worse, that another person declares that they own them. Perhaps, some may think I exaggerate in passing this news but, I feel that is my duty because today can be another family but, tomorrow could be mine. This is a violation to the law of confidentiality and is not acceptable in the agreements that we accept to create our blog. In this case the photos are being used to pretend a family but, we do not know what other things they could do with the photos or who's gonna end up with them. This is how I feel about this situation. There is nothing funny about it and I can not agree with it..
For more information and for the complete history I exhort you to visit: http: // I hope you are encouraged to place a message on this matter in your blog.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Despiertas a las 3:00 a.m. / Awake at 3:00 a.m.
The girls lost the notion of time and they thought that today was Black Friday or as they call it here the early riser sale day. They decided to wake up at 3:00 am to play, as if during the day they did not had sufficient time. Pablo tried to put them to bed again but they had other plans. They played for two hours in the darkness of their room (if Pablo had turn on the light they had been awake even more time). This fact did not stopped them from enjoying their "middle of the night play time". The best part was at 5:00 am when they started calling us, that's when we decided that it was our chance to put them to bed. We changed their diapers, gave them a good bottle of milk and it was time to sleep. Just imagine that they slept until 10:50 am and obviously they did not have their afternoon nap. In the middle of the afternoon (around 3:30 pm) they were very tired and they wanted to sleep but nothing works better than a small splash of cold water on the face to keep them awake. This helped us to hold on until their usual hour to go to bed. At this time they are asleep (knock on wood) and we hope that they stay asleep all night.
Monday, December 1, 2008
De Regreso a la Realidad / Back To Reality
En otros temas, tengo que ponerme a trabajar fuertemente en la lista de regalos para la Navidad. Todavía no hemos comprado nada, ni regalos, ni ropa, nada. La verdad no sé ustedes pero, para mí los días pasan demasiado rápidos y cuando venga a darme cuenta ya tengo la Navidad sobre mi cabeza. Por lo menos ya hice la lista de las personas que tengo que regalarles pero, no tengo idea de que voy a comprar. Veré si en los próximos días voy de tiendas con Pablo, a ver si a él se le ocurre algo, y compramos todo. Mi meta es que antes del 15 de diciembre ya tengamos las cosas que necesitamos.
Paola, Sofia and I had a super tranquil day. I always thought that it would be difficult to spend the day alone with the girls after Pablo returned to work after his three weeks vacations. They called him several times during the day but they remained calm after I told them that daddy was working. Among the activities we did today we colored, played, read stories, and killed ants. Jajaja, what happened is that in the hallway there were several ants and they entertained themselves killing them. It was very funny to see them very concentrated on the ants. We had a very happy day.
In other themes, I have to work hard in the list of gifts for Christmas. We have not bought anything, neither gifts, clothes, nothing. The truth is that for me these days are going way too fast and when I realized it, well it's already Christmas. At least I have already done my list of people that I wish to give gifts to but, I do not have any idea of what I am going to buy. We will probably go to the stores this week, to see if we can come out with something to buy. My goal is that before December 15 we have finished buying what we need.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Limpieza / Cleaning
Cada vez que vamos a alguna tienda o pasamos por algún lugar que tenga decoración de Navidad ellas se emocionan y comienzan a decir: "mira, mira". Por lo menos sé que este año le prestarán más atención a las decoraciones y que poco a poco irán aprendiendo nuestras tradiciones. Tan pronto tenga las decoraciones puestas les enseño fotos.
Por otro lado, Pablo comienza a trabajar mañana. La verdad es que pasamos tres semanas maravillosas y las niñas disfrutaron mucho de su compañía. No es lo mismo el poco tiempo que puede dedicarles después de trabajar a estar todo el día con él. Pero, bueno eso es ley, siempre las vacaciones tienen que terminarse. Gracias a Dios pasamos un buen fin de semana y todos estamos bien.
Espero que todos tengan una linda semana.
I couldn't write this last couple of days because I have had a lot of work in the house. I love to give a good clean to the house before Christmas, this includes the task of organizing and to cleaning everywhere, up to the last corner of the house (even the little house that's in the backyard). Yesterday it was the turn to clean windows and screens, that horror, i do not like to clean windows but, I do like to throw a lot of water (well, the part of throwing water is not mine because Pablo does it). There is just a few little cleaning details left to be done but I will do them during the week and also we will begin to decorate the house. I am anxious to place all the Christmas decorations of Christmas and see Sofia and Paola's expresions.
Each time we go to some store or we pass near a place that have Christmas decorations they are touched and they begin to say: "look, look" ( in spanish of course). At least I know that this year they will give more attention to the decorations and that little by little they will learn our traditions. As soon as I have the decorations I'll show you the photos.
On the other hand, Pablo begins to work tomorrow. The truth is that we had three marvelous weeks and the girls enjoyed a lot of his company full time. It is not the same the little time that can dedicate them after work than to be all day with them. But, well that is reality, vacations always come to an end. Thanks to God we had a good weekend and we are well.
I wish you have a pretty week.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias / Happy Thanksgiving
Le agradezco a Dios por haberme permitido vivir un día más y compartir con mi familia. Nuestro día fue maravilloso, durante la mañana compartimos solo nosotros cuatro en nuestro hogar y en la tarde fuimos hasta la casa de mis padres. Allí compartimos todos en familia y tuvimos una deliciosa comida. Les comparto algunas fotos de nuestro día.
Espero que hayan pasado un lindo día de Acción de Gracias.
I thank God for the opportunity of living a new day and to spend more time with my family. Our day was marvelous, during the morning we were at our home just the four of us and in the afternoon we went to my parents' house. There we were together in family and we had a delicious food. I share some photos of our day.
I expect that you had a pretty thanksgiving day.