Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ejercicios / Exercises

Con el pasar de los años las cosas cambian y uno debe ajustarse a esos cambios. En su momento mis niñas eran totalmente dependientes de mí y ahora son totalmente independientes y esto a su vez me da la oportunidad de hacer cosas que me gustaban y que por alguna razón fueron quedándose en el pasado. Teniendo eso en mente decidí que era importante comenzar a ejercitarme otra vez. Obviamente mi primera opción fue desempolvar a Jillian Michaels, jaja. Me encuentro en mi tercera semana de ejercicios y me va muy bien. Lo próximo que me propuse fue semanalmente hacerme una pedicura, un facial y dos veces en semana secarme el pelo (todo esto en la comodidad y tranquilidad de mi hogar). Son cosas simples pero que a fin de cuentas dan ánimo y fortalecen el autoestima.

Por eso, aprovecho la independencia que las niñas han adquirido en este tiempo para hacer algo productivo con mi tiempo.


PS: Próximo tema: Manejo del tiempo mientras las niñas están en la escuela y mi esposo trabaja

As the years go by, things change and we should adjust to those changes. In the past my girls were completely dependent of me and now they are completely independent and this at the same time gives me the opportunity to do things that I like and for some reason they were left in the past. Having that in mind I decided that it was important to start to exercise again. Obviously my first option was to revive Jillian Michaels, jaja. Now I'm on my third week of exercises and is going very well. The next thing that I am planning to do weekly is a pedicure, a facial and two times a week blowdry my hair (all this at the comfort and tranquility of my home). Thee are simple things but after all they help me strengthen my spirit and rise my self-esteem.

Therefore, I take advantage of the independence that the girls have acquired in this time to do something productive with my time.


PS: Next post: Time management while the girls are in school and my husband is at work.


Deanna said...

That's great that you are finding fun ways to spend a little extra time for yourself! I do enjoy the little bits of extra independence I am seeing develop in my girls. I usually squeeze in a few minutes of reading while they play by themselves!

Raising Z and Lil C said...

Good for you Annie! It is so important to do things for ourselves. We often forget that as mamas.