Friday, September 10, 2010

Primer Mes de Clases / First Month of School

El primer mes de clases ha sido estupendo. Estuve dialogando con la maestra y me indicó que ambas niñas están trabajando muy bien. Participan en clase, realizan su trabajo pero, son un poquito desorganizadas. Ella me dice que es muy fácil identificar el lugar dónde ellas estaban ubicadas por el desorden que dejan (ja, al parecer ellas no han aprendido conmigo nada acerca de organización). Definitivamente, tengo que hablar con ellas en cuanto a eso pero por lo demás hasta ahora (toco madera) ellas funcionan bien.

Le doy gracias a Dios por haberme permitido ser madre de dos niñas extraordinarias (y desorganizadas) y experimentar junto a ellas esta nueva fase.

Buen fin de semana.


The first month of classes has been stupendous. I was talking with the teacher and she told me that both girls are working very well. They participate in class, they carry out their work but, they are a little bit disorganized. She tells me that is very easy to identify the place where they were by the disorder that they leave (ha, apparently they have not learned with me a thing about organization). Finally, I have to talk to them about that but otherwise up to now (I knock on wood) they function well.
I give thanks to God for giving me the opportunity of being the mother of two extraordinary (and disorganized) girls and to experience with them this new phase.

Good weekend.


PS: One month for the girls birthday. Need to work for their birthday party.


Jeremi said...

What a great school report!! How funny that they leave their own trail, when you are so organized : ) LOVE that!!

Can't wait to hear bday plans ..... what are you thinking of doing?

Have a great Friday!

Malena said...

You should be really proud, and I know you are. I think it's endearing and perfectly fine that your girls are not 100% molded. Believe me, my kids leave a tornado trail where ever they go. They're four, it's okay.
I am happy for you and the girls that you are all making new friends.

Colette S said...

Wonderful that they are doing so well in school! You must be very proud.

Jill said...

Happy party planning!