Aprendí que lo más importante era confiar en mí misma y en mis instintos. Ser creativa al momento de estar sola y darle mucha atención a ambas. Mi fe en Dios me ayudó a salir adelante y lograr cada día ser una mejor madre. Tener a mi lado un gran esposo que me ayudó siempre y que juntos hacíamos y hacemos el mejor equipo.
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Feliz Domingo
I learned that the most important thing was to trust in myself and in my instincts. Being creative everytime I was alone and give a lot of attention to both girls. My faith in God helped me to do well and to achieve each day the goal of being a better mother. Having beside me a great husband that always helped me and together we have been and are the best team.
Share your lessons with we in Multiples and More.
Happy Sunday
Thatnks for playing along today- and happy belated birthday!!
Great answers! You are an awesome momma!!!
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