Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Primer Baño con la Ducha / Our First Bath with Shower

Las niñas y yo tuvimos un día bastante tranquilo. Durante la mañana mientras yo cocinaba y recogía un poco la casa ellas destrozaban su cuarto. Ellas movieron las camas(esto no es ninguna novedad para ustedes) y sacaron todo lo que molestaba para jugar, en fin, lo importante era que jugaran en paz y armonía (esto es algo que no se ve todos los días, ya hasta hablo como Pinky Dinky Do).

En la tarde jugamos un rato en nuestro patio. La verdad es que yo no sé de donde los niños sacan tantas energías pero, corren y corren y siguen corriendo. También ayudaron a recoger las hojas tiradas en el suelo. Después cuando yo fuí a regar las plantas ellas decidieron jugar con un chorrito de agua que salía de un lado de la manguera (sí, está rota así que a ellas les encantó). Luego fueron a colocar las manos en el pistilo y cada vez yo sentía la gran idea de mojarlas. Así que yo regaba las plantas y ellas jugaban con el chorrito de agua, hasta que la tentación fue gigantesca y las mojé. Claro, después le dí la manguera a Pablo que también quería participar de la diversión.

Entonces sacando partido a la mojada con el chorrito de la bañera quisimos intentar que tal funcionaba bañarlas con la ducha. Fue todo un éxito, les encantó hasta el punto que lloraron por no salir de allí. Mis niñas en otra vida fueron sirenitas, les encanta el agua. Jamás pensé que fuese tan sencillo usar la ducha y que ellas lo aceptaran tan rápido por que cuidado que el cambio del fregadero a la bañera me costó mucho trabajo. Fue un rato espectacular.


PS: En otros temas he mantenido mi peso en las 143lbs. y en las últimas dos semanas no he hecho nada de ejercicios. Necesito motivación. Tampoco hubo nada de entrenamiento para el baño.

The girls and I we had a quite tranquil day. During the morning while I cooked and cleaned a little the house they destroyed their room. They moved the beds (this is not any news for you) and they removed everything to have space to play, in short, what is important was that they played in peace and harmony (this is something that is not seen every day, oops I speak as Pinky Dinky Doo).

In the afternoon we played for a while in our patio. The truth is that I do not know how children get so much energy but, they run and they run and they continue running. Also they helped to collect the leaves thrown on the ground. Later when I went to water the plants they decided to play with the water that came out a little hole on the hose (yes, is broken and they loved it). Then they went straight to stand in the middle of the water so I decided the great idea to wet them. So I watered the plants and they played with the water, until the temptation was gigantic and I wet them. Clearly, later I gave the hose to Pablo that also wanted to participate of the fun.

Taking advantage of this situation I took them to the bathtub abd we decided to try to bathe them with the shower on. It was a success, it charmed them to the point that they cried when it was time to get out of there. My girls in another life were mermaids, the water charms them. I never thought it was so simple to use the shower and that they would accepted it so fast because changing the sink for the bathtub cost me a lot of work. Was a great time.


PS: In other themes I have maintained my weight in the 143 lbs. and in the last two weeks I have not done any exercises. I need motivation. Today there was no potty training neither.


girlytwins said...

Sounds like my girls :) The hose is hours of entertainment in our hose too.

Good luck with the potty training.

SouthernDogwoods said...

My girls love a shower too! So funny. Sounds like you all had a great day! I laughed out loud at the Pinky Dinky Doo sentence!
Thank you for you wonderful comments yesterday in English & Spanish - you are the best!

Malena said...

Mermaids - how sweet!
Only one of mine like showers, and the same kid never wants to get out of the tub... :)
Good job on your diet!

Harris Boys said...

you are so sweet...thanks for all the comments. I don't have much time in the day to read everyone's blog, but I have enjoyed reading about your girls and seeing pics of them. they are beautiful!!

marialex said...

annie te deje un mimos en mi nuevo blog e mimos pasalo a recojer en
saludo mariale