Gracias Cheryl por el libro, si yo gane con Twinfatuation.
I won, a book, yeah. Thanks Cheryl.
Yeah, es viernes y por fin vamos a enseñar otra parte de nuestra casa. Es la quinta semana en que Kelly hace este recorrido por las diferentes partes de la casa. Así que está semana nos dirigimos a las habitaciones de los más pequeños de la casa, los niños. Sin lugar a dudas es uno de los espacios que más acogedores son ya que buscamos lo mejor para nuestros hijos.
Mis niñas comparten una misma habitación. Y a mí me encanta la forma en que pintamos su cuarto así que sin más preámbulos pasemos a ver el cuarto de mis princesitas.
Gracias por su visita y buen fin de semana.
Yeah, is Friday and finallywe are going to show another part of our house. It is the fifth week in which Kelly does a journey through the different rooms of our house. So this week we direct our attention to the rooms of the smallest people of the house, the children. Without any doubts is one of the spaces that are more confortable since we always look for the best for our children.
My girls share the same room. And to I love the way in which we painted this room, without anymore introductions let's see the princesess room.
Thanks for your visit and good weekend.

Mis niñas comparten una misma habitación. Y a mí me encanta la forma en que pintamos su cuarto así que sin más preámbulos pasemos a ver el cuarto de mis princesitas.
Gracias por su visita y buen fin de semana.
Yeah, is Friday and finallywe are going to show another part of our house. It is the fifth week in which Kelly does a journey through the different rooms of our house. So this week we direct our attention to the rooms of the smallest people of the house, the children. Without any doubts is one of the spaces that are more confortable since we always look for the best for our children.
My girls share the same room. And to I love the way in which we painted this room, without anymore introductions let's see the princesess room.
Thanks for your visit and good weekend.

Congratulations on your win! Cheryl's book is awesome!
Your girls' room is so pretty - perfect for two little princesses!
Annie, What super special "princess" room for your two darling girls!
I love those two little pink beds side by side! How sweet!
You are blessed!
Kelly's Mom
Does somebody love princess in your house? Cute room. I love the quilts.
Do your girls sleep well next to each other or do that mess with each other at nap/bed time?
Ok so the paint is Valspar from Lowes and the color is green tea.
I love that room! Where'd you find the quilts?
I grew up in Puerto Rico! Nosotros tenemos triplets - pero son ninos.
Whew. That's as far as I will go in Spanish! Actually, my daughter has the triplet boys.....
This is the perfect room for your two princesses. The beds are soooo cute.
OH! Charlotte would LOVE for this to be her room! How inspiring. We are living w/ my parents now, but maybe when we get our own house we can do this. I love it. Do the girls just LOVE this room? I would!! Thanks for sharing!
Annie, I love the stripes! Such a sweet room for your girls! My oldest son has stripes in his room, too.
I love how you painted their room. It's very cheerful!!
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