Monday, May 4, 2009

Hagan sus Preguntas / Ask your questions

Esta es la tercera semana que llevo realizando esto y me gustaría que me hicieran preguntas. Comiencen a pensar que les gustaría saber de mí o de nosotros y el jueves estarán las respuestas aquí. Ojalá que haya más personas interesadas en conocer sobre nosotros.

Que tengan una semana maravillosa.

This it is the third week I've been doing this and I would like you ask me more questions. Think what would you like to know about me or my family and Thursday I will answer. I hope there are more people interested in knowing on us.

Have a marvelous week.


SouthernDogwoods said...

Here are my questions:

Do you want any more children?

What is your favorite food?

Tell us a little about yourself when you were younger?

Heather said...

This is something I am curious about with twins older than mine...

What do you think the hardest age was so far with your twins (like months 2-5 or now or 1 year old)? And what was your favorite or easiest age?

Malena said...

I was going to you want more kids...
But since it's already been asked, hmm...
I'll be back :)