Monday, May 18, 2009

Que Fin de Semana / What Weekend

Tuvimos un fin de semana demasiado ajetreado y debido a eso mi blog ha estado abandonado. El viernes llevamos a las niñas a una cita, luego Pablo se fue a trabajar y nosotras nos quedamos con mi hermana ayudándola en la mudanza. El sábado durante la mañana también fuimos a ayudar a mi hermana y luego al atradecer fuimos a un cumpleaños. Las niñas gozaron muchísimo (lo lamento pero no tengo fotos). Y hoy hicimos algunas tareas en la casa durante la mañana y luego a hacer algunas compras. Los domingos son horribles para hacer las compras ya que todas las tiendas cierran a las 5:00 p.m. (algo ridículo). Así que había que hacer las compras necesarias y rápido.

También en estos pasados días las chicas se levantaron entre 7 y 7:30 a.m lo que cambió drásticamente la rutina en la casa (todos los días ellas se levantan a las 9:00 a.m. y los domingos por lo general a las 9:30 a.m lo que nos da un tiempito extra para nosotros descansar. Adicional hemos tenido varios días lluviosos. Hoy (lunes) estuvo toda la tarde nublado y hacia mucho viento (aún está haciendo viento). Pero, a pesar de todo el día de hoy fue bastante tranquilo. En cuanto a mi dieta me he mantenido en el peso (ahora mismo estoy pesando 144 lbs) y espero bajar más. Llevo una semana sin hacer ejercicios pero, tengo que animarme nuevamente por que lo que logre no lo puedo perder. Veremos que tal nos va esta semana y cuántas cosas lograremos hacer.

No olviden hacer sus preguntas para esta semana.

Que pasen una linda semana

We had a very hectic weekend and that is why my blog has been abandoned lately. Friday the girls had an appointment, then Pablo went to back work and we stayed with my sister helping her moving. On Saturday during the morning we went back to help my sister and then in the afternoon we went to a birthday party. The girls enjoyed a lot (sorry I do not have photos). On Sunday we did some tasks in the house during the morning and then to make some purchases. Sundays are horrible days to make purchases since all the stores close to the 5:00 p.m. (Somewhat ridiculous). So we had to move fast to complete purchases.

On these last few days the girls woke up between 7 and 7:30 a.m. This changed drastically the routine in the house (normally they wake up at 9:00 a.m. and Sundays generally until 9:30 a.m what a gives us some extra time to rest. Additional we have had several rainy days. Today (Monday) it was a cloudy and windy day. But, in spite of all the day our today was quite tranquil. As for my diet I have maintained my weight (right now I am weighing 144 lbs) and I expect to lose more. I didn't do exercises but, I have to focus again because what I have achieved I cannot lose. Let's see how this week goes us and how many things we will manage to do.

Do not forget to ask your questions for this week.

Have a wonderful week


SouthernDogwoods said...

Whew! It sounds like you all had a busy weekend! Good job on your weight loss! I exercised yesterday and I am sore today but I am about to get up and exercise again. My diet has not been going so well. So I am back on it today!

Malena said...

You are doing awesome on your diet! 144 wow! You've got me beat! :)
Hope you have a good week and the girls feel better soon. We go thru the same cycle of not wanting to eat when they feel sick. Hang in there!

PS. Have you tried a little spicier food? some kids that are picky actually need more spices instead of plainer foods that you might think they like...