Friday, November 11, 2011


11 Comidas preferidas:

1. lasagna
2. mofongo con carne frita
3. arroz blanco, habichuelas y pechuga a la parmesana
4. burritos de carne
5. papa asada de pollo con queso
6. pizza
7. arroz chino con pollo deshuesado
8. papa majada (hecha en casa) con pollo
9. mariscos
10. arroz con gandules y lechón asado
11. tostones con carne

11 Lugares que quisiera visitar:

1. España
2. Argentina
3. Mexico
4. Inglaterra
5. China
6. Japón
7. Francia
8. Italia
9. California
10. Texas
11. Nueva York

11 Cosas que me gusta hacer:

1. Organizar
2. Hablar
3. Escuchar música
4. Decorar
5. Planificar fiestas
6. Limpiar
7. Jugar con mis niñas
8. Disfrutar tiempo en familia
9. Manualidades
10. Sembrar plantas
11. Hornear


11 Foods I preferred:

1. lasagna
2. mofongo with fried meat
3. white rice, beans and parmesan chicken breast
4. burritos
5. baked potao with chicken and cheese
6. pizza
7. Chinese rice with chicken

8. mashed potato (homemade) with chicken
9. sea food
10. rice with peas and roasted pork
11. fried plantain with meat <>

11 Places I want to visit:

1. Spain
2. Argentina
3. Mexico
4. England
5. China
6. Japan
7. France
8. Italy
9. California
10. Texas
11. New York

11 Things that I like to do:

1. Organizing
2. Talk (haha)
3. Listening music
4. Decorating
5. Planning parties
6. Cleaning
7. Playing with my girls
8. Enjoying time with family
9. Crafts
10. Landscapings
11. Baking



Unknown said...

Great list! I haven't tried mofongo before. I just saw it on the food network yesterday! And lol at "talk"!

Raising Z and Lil C said...

What a fun list. I too have never tried mofongo but many of your other favorite foods are mine!

Malena said...

How do you make your lasagna?
I've never had mofongo either, I have to google it right now :)
Have a lovely weekend!