Monday, November 22, 2010

Fin de Semana / Our Weekend

El fin de semana fue de arduo trabajo en la casa y aún no hemos terminado, wow.

Viernes: Fue feriado (Descubrimiento de PR) así que todos estuvimos en la casa y comenzamos la tarea de pintar. Cabe señalar que solo pudimos pintar la sala por que con dos pequeñas "pintando" (haciendo desastres) nos tardamos una eternidad pero ellas se divirtieron.

Sábado: Aprovechamos la tarde para realizar algunas compras, bordar y las niñas se quedaron a dormir por primera vez en la casa de mis padres. Para ellas eso fue una aventura.

Domingo: Las niñas estuvieron prácticamente todo el día con los abuelos aunque en un momento dado las tuvieron que traer a nuestra casa para que nos vieran por que nos extrañaban. Mientras, Pablo y yo pasamos todo el día pintando, lavando y limpiando.

Aún falta bastante pero, yo espero que en la semana podamos adelantar algo.

¿Cómo fue tu fin de semana?


The weekend was of arduous work in the house and we have not yet finished, wow.

Friday: It was a holiday (Discovery of PR) so we stayed at home and started to paint the house. Let me tell you that we were just able to paint the livingroom because with two small helpers "painting" (doing disasters) it took us forever but they had fun.

Saturday: We took advantage of the afternoon to make some purchases, do some embroidery and for the first time the girls went to sleep to my parents house. For them it was an adventure.

Sunday: The girls were practically all day with their grandparents although in a given moment they had to bring them back because they missed us. While, Pablo and I spent all day painting, washing and cleaning.

There still a lot to do but, I expect that during the week we can do some more.

How was your weekend?



Mrs. M said...

I had a fantastic birthday weekend. We had our first snow and the kids had fun playing in it! :)

Susan Cook said...

Sounds busy painting. I had to work at my new job both Sat/Sunday. Oh well the extra money should help.

Malena said...

Can't wait to see-hear more about your home improvement projects!

Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

Jill said...

Sounds like you worked hard on the weekend! It's amazing what we can get done without kids in the house!

Heather said...

Oh boy. Painting with your little helpers! Sounds like a lot of work, but I bet they loved it!

Sorry I missed your Black Tuesday and have been lax on commenting lately. I have been so busy with things here that I have not had a chance to read blogs in two weeks. Yikes!

Christina said...

Haha, painting with kids is no fun! I always wait until nap time. :)
Haven't moved yet, next week!