Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dijo Qué? / Say What?

Hace unas cuantas semanas le escondi algunos juguetes a las niñas pero, les dije que los había tirado a la basura. El domingo decidimos darles las cosas nuevamente y Paola esta eufórica y se viró hacia mí y me dijo: No lo vuelvas a hacer. Demás está decir que me reí y me reí hasta más no poder.

Ayer, mientras estaban en el patio con Pablo le dijeron:
Ambas: Papi, las niñas se portan bien y los niños mal.
Pablo: No todos los niños se portan mal.
Ambas: Oh sí, y tú eres niño y también te portas mal.
(Parece que tengo dos pequeñas feministas,jaja)

Jugando con Missy en Two Little Monkeys

Buen día


A few weeks back I took some of the girls toys and put them away in a closet because they won't pick them up and I told that I had thrown them to the trash. Sunday we decided to give them back the toys and Paola was very excited about it. after a while she looked at me and said "don't do this again. All I could do was laughed and I laughed until I couldn't any more.

Yesterday, while they were in the patio with Pablo they told him:

Both: Daddy, girls behave well and boys badly.
Pablo: Not all boys behave bad.
Both: Oh yes, and you are a boy so you are bahaving bad. (Seems that I have two small feminists, jaja)

Playing along with Missy in Two Little Monkeys

Good day


PS: Thursday is the last day to enter to my Birthday Treat Bags Giveaway


Jeremi said...

Oh Annie -- I am barely awake this morning and the laughs from your post are helping me wake up with a smile on my face : ) FUNNY girls you have!!

SouthernDogwoods said...

How funny! Your girls gave me the giggles this morning! Thank you for playing along. I will link you up (I was a little late posting this morning)

Lothiriel said...

LOL!!! AAWWWW....!

Mrs. M said...

That is so funny! :)

Ron Cooper said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. My latest posts are “The Power” and “The Triumphant Heart.”


Jill said...

That's hilarious! I wouldn't have been able to stop laughing either!

Cheryl Lage said...

Ha! Love your little ladies feminine insight! ;)

Claudya Martinez said...

Son inteligente!

shannon said...

Come on over and check out my latest giveaway!

Helene said...

OMGoodness, that last conversation was hilarious!!!! They are very funny girls!

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Too cute!!! I need to pack up some of my kids toys too:). Thanks for always leaving such sweet and encouraging comments on my blog!

Heather said...

So funny! I love it.