Monday, May 10, 2010

Fin de Semana Sensacional / Best Weekend

Este fin de semana fue bien ajetreado. Así que veamos como transcurrió:

Viernes - limpieza de la casa y la clase de Baby Fitness.

Sábado - Cita en el salón de belleza (temprano en la mañana), compras de última hora (pero nada ajetreado en las tiendas,sorprendente), bordados, juegos en familia y ultimar detalles para la celebración del Día de las Madres.

Domingo - Un día espectacular y en la compañía de las personas más importantes de mi vida. Gracias Pablo por ser tan especial, a Sofia y Paola por tan adorables y por cada momento en mi vida. A mami, por que sin tí no sería lo que soy hoy día. A mi hermana Carmin, gracias por estar cuando te necesito.


This weekend was well hectic. So we see as elapsed:

Friday - cleaning the house and Baby Fitness class.

Saturday - Appointment in the beauty salon (early in the morning), last minute purchases (but no crowded stores, surprising), some embroidered things, play as a family and took care of details for the celebration of Mother' Day.

Sunday - A spectacular day and in the company of the most important people of my life. Thanks Pablo for being so special, to Sofia and Paola for being so adorable and a very important part of my life. To mommy, because without you I would not be what I am today. To my sister Carmin, thanks for being there when I need you.

Saturday pics

Pictures from Mother's Day coming soon!!!!!


PS: Check my giveaway from The Charm Factory here


Tammy said...

Hope you had a great one! I love the little squint of the nose on those smiles...too cute!

Michelle said...

Sweet message to your family. :) What would we all do without our mothers? Happy mother's day

Jeremi said...

Beautifully put Annie -- and cute pics of your girls! Their shirts are really cute : ) Looking forward to hearing more about your actual Mother's Day.

Marice said...

awww what a busy but fun weekend :) happy mother's day belated!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I hope you had a great Mother's Day. I love that you always remember to get pictures of your girls.

Mrs. M said...

So glad you had a great weekend with your wonderful family!

Hey I JUST realized I left you out of my Q&A. I know I have your question ready for Hannah, not sure how I managed to leave you out - so SORRY, but I will respond!! :)

Helene said...

Your girls are absolutely precious!!! Love their personalities...they look like so much fun!

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

debi9kids said...

Oh! It sounds like you had a lovely weekend :)

Your girls are always so cute & expressive in photos.