Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mis Cosas Favoritas / My Favorite Things

Algunas de mis cosas favoritas son:
1. Adoro pasar tiempo con Pablo y las niñas, disfrutamos tanto juntos que como dicen las niñas no debemos olvidar que somos una familia.
2. Mi familia, pilar muy importante en mi vida.
3. Salir de la casa, no importa si es de tiendas, a hacer diligencias o solo dar un paseo. Esto revive los ánimos.
4. Decorar mi hogar, estoy trabajando en unos pequeños cambios en la casa de manera que sienta que estoy en un lugar diferente.
5. Planificar la fiesta de cumpleaños de mis niñas (faltan cinco meses y el tiempo pasa muy rápido).
6. Asistir al salón de belleza aunque sea una vez al mes.
7. Escuchar las ocurrencias de mis hijas y que verdaderamente me hacen reír.
8. Organizar mi casa (yo soy apasionada de la limpieza y la organización).

Feliz Jueves


Some of my favorite things are:

1. I worship the time I spend with Pablo and the girls, we enjoy ourselves so much that as the girls say we should not forget that we are a family.

2. My family, very important pillar in my life.

3. Leaving the house, it does not matter if it is to go shopping, to do diligence or just to take a walk. This revives the spirits.

4. Decorating my home, I am working in some small changes in the house so I can feel that I am in a different place.

5. Planning the birthday party of my girls (just five months away and the time goes very fast).

6. Attending the beauty parlor at least once monthly.

7. Listening the occurrences of my daughters and that truly makes me laugh.

8. Organizing my house ( My passion is cleaning and organization).

Happy Thursday


Do not forget to enter to my giveaway HERE. There are good possibilities since there are not many entrances


Jeremi said...

I just love your priorities, Annie! Nice post : )

monica said...

What a great list of things to have as favorite. Have a great Thursday!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Great favorites! I have been sprucing up my kitchen - rearranging and cleaning. I feel awesome after just a few changes.

Michelle said...

Great list.. really got me thinking! I relate to #3! Something about going out really does lighten your mood.

I bet you have a lovely home!

Lothiriel said...

I don't like cleaning, myself. Unfortunately, mother loved cleaning! She assigned a chore to each one of us (she had seven kids). Every morning we got up, did our beds right before we left to school. After school, we all had duties. By the time she came home, the house was clean and she cooked. Saturdays (was my least favorite day) she would make us Spring clean. I'm not kidding. We moved furniture, cleaned out cabinets, cleaned the edges of the wall, clean the windows and the! Most humans Spring clean just once a year! Oh and mom loves bleach!!!

So, my point it, I'm used to a clean house because of her. I love to be around clean, so I have to have it clean!! There are times when I let it go, but i just can't function if my house is dirty!

Unknown said...

I love your loves! Have fun planning your girls birthday party! I just started reading your blog about a year ago, and you were talking about their birthday back then too...yes, time does fly really fast!

Caro said...

I love to organize my place as well and sometimes a little too much I think it turns into an obsession.

Jill said...

I am an organizer too! Good luck with the party planning!