Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Miércoles / Wednesday

Ayer, se suponía que las niñas tendrían su primera cita con el dentista. Yo vengo preparando a mis niñas con esto desde hace dos meses y hablando con ellas sobre el dentista. Pues saben qué, la visita no se dió por que a Pablo todos los años le cambian el plan médico en el trabajo y supuestamente en la oficina del dentista no tenían certeza de que el plan fuese a cubrir los gastos de la visita de mis niñas. Luego de esperar por casi una hora y media y alegadamente en la oficina de la dentista no recibieron la llamada de los representantes del plan médico indicando que todo estaba bien pues nos tuvimos que ir. Ambas niñas iban protestando por que querían enseñarle los dientes al dentista. Así que ahora tengo que buscar otra cita más y continuar con la sicología con mis hijas.

Lo que conseguimos con la espera fue que Sofia se enfermara. A pesar de que le dió fiebre hasta el momento no fue demasiado alta (gracias a Dios y toco madera) por lo que la tenemos con supositorios alternados con Panadol y Despec para la congestión nasal. Estamos esperanzados en que no nos enfermos todos.

También mañana debo prepararme para la onda tropical que pasará por nuestra Isla entre jueves en la noche y viernes así que parece que tendré bastante trabajo. Aquí les dejo algunas fotos de nuestro día de hoy.

Buen día

Yesterday, the girls were supposed to have their first dentist appointment. I have been preparing my girls this last two months talking to them about the dentist. Know what, the visit was not completed because every year they change Pablo's medical plan in the work and supposedly in the dentist office yhey were not certain that the plan would cover the expenses of the visit. After waiting for almost an hour and a half they never received the call of the representatives of the medical plan indicating that all was well therefore we had to go. Both girls went protesting because they wanted to show thier teeth to the dentist. So now I have to look for another appointment and to continue the psichology with my daughters.

What we did get with the wait was the fact that Sofia cought the flu. In spite of the fact that she has a fever up to now it has not been too high (thanks to God and I knock on wood) for this reason we have given her Panadol and Despec for the fever and her nasal congestion, also with suppositories alternated. We hope the rest of us do not become ill too.

Also tomorrow I should prepare me for the tropical storm that will pass thru our Island between Thursday night and Friday so seems that I will have enough work. Here are some photos of our day.

Good day



Jeremi said...

That's too bad about the dentist visit not happening -- poor girls, to be all excited and everything. And I am really sorry to hear about the flu. That can be scary stuff this season, so take care!!

Cute Cute Cute pics of your girls painting, made me smile : )

Be safe during the storm too!


I've also been thinking about your mom's retirement party -- at my mom's retirement celebration we had a ton of fresh flowers that she got to bring home, and my sister, brother and I asked staff she worked with and families she taught (she was also a teacher!) to write a little note for her, either about a memory or well-wishes, that sort of thing. We put all the letters and notes in a big basket with a bow, and I think she treasures that the most, even 3 years later. Our family also bought a flowering bush that she planted in one of her gardens. Maybe some of those ideas will work? I'm sure you'll come up with a ton, you are so creative!

Have a great Thursday!

Heather said...

Oh no! What a rough day with the waiting and then the flu. I hope she recovers quickly and no one else gets it. I'll be praying for you with the storm passing through.

I have a giveaway on my blog today and tomorrow if you want to enter!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Good Morning Annie!
You poor thing - so sorry to hear you have a sick little one! And I hope the tropical storm is not too bad. Thinking of you during this time!!!! Hang in there!

Annie said...

Thanks girls, I appreciate every comment.

Malena said...

Hope she feels better already! Hope the storm passes without too much strength, make sure to take shelter!

tbonegrl said...

be safe during the storm! I am so sorry you had to wait all that time only to not get to complete the appointments!