Ayer, festejamos el retiro de mi mamá. Ella estuvo bien emocionada y disfrutó mucho y sabrán que no lloró (bien hecho). De todos modos, ustedes quieren ver las fotos y no desean escucharme a mí, así que disfruten las fotos (después de este post hay otro debajo, esto es largoooooooooooo).Feliz JuevesAnnieMy mom had a great time yesterday at her retirement party. She was so excited and didn't cry (good job). Anyway, all of you want to see the pictures so, go ahead and enjoy them (there is another post after this with more pictures, it is longgggggg).Happy ThursdayAnnie

Before she arrives
Uncle Dado, My Dad, Paola, Sofia, Cary and Omar (all family,ha)
Geraldo and Me (He is one of the Godfather's of the girls)

My mom arrives
The Program Starts

He is my Uncle Dado and the only brother of my mom that went to her retirement party (sad, I know)

Some pictures of her work during the past 30 years (sorry, they are from a slide show)