Thursday, January 5, 2012

Víspera de Reyes / Three Kings Eve

Ya están llegando a su final las festividades navideñas en Puerto Rico. Hoy fue la tradicional víspera de reyes donde recogimos la yerba (bueno Pablo cortó solo la yerba por que había estado lloviendo) y la colocamos en la cajita para que los camellos coman. Pero, los Tres Reyes Magos no quedarán con hambre por que recibirán galletas, leche y agua. Todo listo para ver la alegría y el entusiasmo de mis niñas al recibir sus regalos.


Here in Puerto Rico the Christmas festivities are about to end . Today it was the traditional three kings eve where we collected the grass (well, Pablo cut alone the grass because it has been raining) and we place it in the little box so that the camels can eat it. But, the Three Kings will not remain hungry because they will receive cookies, milk and water. All ready to see the happiness and the enthusiasm of my girls upon receiving their gifts.


Before we had our toes painted

Silly girl with her box of grass

Check mine, too

Boxes with grass - check

Water, milk and cookies - check


Raising Z and Lil C said...

Happy Three Kings Day! Enjoy the day :)

Jeremi said...

sounds like a fun time for you guys!
love the painted toenails : )