Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lista de Actividades para San Valentín / Bucket list before Valentine's Day

Durante los próximos 14 días haremos diferentes cosas como preámbulo al Día San Valentín. (Obviamente, esto podría cambiar)

1. Hornear bizcochitos

2. Las niñas escribirán las tarjetitas para sus compañeros de clase.

3. Iremos al parque

4. Comeremos helado

5. Haremos las bolsitas de dulce para los compañeros de clase.

6. Manualidades

7. Veremos alguna película (no tengo decidido cuál)

8. Planificaremos un día de juegos con algunas amiguitas.

9. Cena familiar

10. Colorear dibujos con motivo de San Valentín

11. Haremos alguna actividad en nuestra casa

12. Compraremos algún detalle para cada uno de nosotros (nada costoso ni elaborado)

13. Noche de juegos de mesa

14. Celebraremos el Día de San Valentín.


During the next 14 days we will doing different things as introduction to Valentine's Day. (Obviously, this would be able to change)

1. Bake cupcakes

2. The girls will write their cards for their school friends.

3. Go to the park

4. Ice cream

5. Make treat bags for school friends.

6. Crafts

7. Movie night (not sure which one)

8. Playdate with friends.

9. Having a special supper.

10. Coloring drawings of Valentine's

11. Make a "cool" activity at home.

12. Special gifts for us (4) (nothing fancy or expensive).

13. Board games night

14. Celebrate Valentine's Day.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Fin de Semana / Weekend



Amazing weekend for us


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pintura / House Painting

Last Saturday we continue painting the house. We are working with different areas and trying to made some makeovers during the process. Still a work in process but we are so happy of our work.

More pictures to come.


Left side of the house





I painted a little wall



Back of the house



We are planning to change the color of the wall but not sure yet.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blog vs Facebook

Hace aproximadamente tres años por casualidad que comencé este blog. Fue por casualidad por que simplemente yo buscaba en Internet ideas que me ayudaran a llevar mis días como madre de gemelas. Fue fascinante llegar por casualidad al primer blog (McNulty Quads) y ver las cosas que ellas pasaban como padres de cuatrillizos. De allí en adelante fue llegando a diversos blogs en los cuáles las madres compartían sus peripecias diarias y entonces surge el mío. Muchas cosas han sido las que a través de estos años he aprendido en el mundo de los blogs e inclusive, he tenido la oportunidad de hacer buenas amigas a pesar de nunca habernos visto la cara, jaja. Ellas han estado allí cuando he necesito un consejo, una plegaria por la salud de un miembro de la familia, para hacerme reír, en fin, en buenas y malas. Le doy las gracias a ellas por estar allí cuando las necesito aunque sea a través de un correo electrónico.

Pero, últimamente el mundo de los blogs ha cambiado y aunque aún se encuentran buenos blogs para leer muchos de los que yo solía leer han dejado de existir, o al menos, una vez al año lo actualizan, otros son privados y en fin, son muchos los cambios. He notado que el cambio mayor se debe a Facebook ya que muchas han decidido contar sus historias allí. Yo entiendo que es mucho más fácil escribir una oración que toda una historia y eso no se le quito a nadie por que cada uno sigue sus gustos.

Aquí yo puedo leer y ver las anécdotas vividas durante los pasados años. También tengo la opción de imprimirlo y hacer nuestro libro de memorias pero más aún, puedo vivir las experiencias de otras personas mientras leo sus anécdotas diarias. Por eso, el blog seguirá siendo mi número uno.


Approximately three years ago by coincidence I started this blog. It was by coincidence because I was simply searching on the Internet ideas that would helped me with my task of being a mother of twins. It was fascinating to arrive to my first blog (McNulty Quads) and to read and see the things that happened to this parents of quadruplets. From there I found many other blogs in the which the mothers shared their daily vicissitudes and then I started writing mine. I have learned many things through these years in the world of blogs and inclusive, I have had the good opportunity to make friends in spite the fact that we have never seen our faces, ha ha. They have been there when I need an advice, a prayer for the health of a member of the family, to make me laugh, in short, in good and bad. I thank them for being there when I need them although is just through an e-mail.

But ultimately, the world of blogs has changed. Although they are still some good blogs out there to read, many of the ones that I used to read have been gone, or at least, they are updated just once a year. Others are now private blogs, in short, thare has been many changes. I have noted that the greater change has been because of Facebook, since many have determined to write their stories there. I understand that is a lot more easy to write a single sentence than a whole story. I am not against this because each one has it's preferences.

Here (in the blogs) I can read and see the anecdotes lived during the passed years. Also I have the option to print it and to do our memories book, but more still, I can live the experiences of other people while I read their daily anecdotes. Therefore, blogs will continue to be my number one.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Reporte de Progreso / School Progress Report

La semana pasada ambas niñas recibieron su informe de progreso del pasado semestre. Gracias a Dios, las dos dominan todas las destrezas dadas hasta el momento y tienen una excelente conducta.

Sofi y Pao, papi y mami estamos muy orgullosos de ustedes.

Es tan emocionante ver como todo lo que uno le ha enseñado más lo aprendido en la escuela es recompensado con un excelente trabajo.


Last week both girls received their progress report of last semester. Thanks God, they approved all the skills they gave to them and had an excellent behavior.

Sofi and Pao, daddy and mommy are very proud of you.

It is so exciting to see how well they work and that they love to learn (which they continue the same way during all school years).


Side note: want to document how they are writing right now.

Sofia's notebook

Paola's notebook

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fin de Semana / Weekend Recap


Before school they were dancing a commercial about vowels.







We spend all afternoon at our backyard. The girls were playing and also helped us with paint around the house (pictures coming). It was a great day.

Jumping the cord

Playing in their doll house

Snack time


Sofia woke up at 7 but went back to sleep for another hour. At 8:30 Paola woke up and no more sleep for them. We tried to sleep a little but not much.

Again, our afternoon was spend at the backyard.

Daddy cleaned the ceiling in the girls bedroom.

While they played with the computers

Cleaned the backyard

Enjoyed some ice cream


And ended with washed and blow dry hair

It was a productive weekend.

Have a great week.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Semanas 1 y 2 (segundo semestre) / Weeks 1 & 2 (2nd semester): Kindergarten

Week 1

January 11 - 13, 2012


(first day)



No school: teacher meeting and progress report

Week 2

January 16 - 20, 2012





School was cancelled


Our alarm was out, ha!


Did I mentioned that I loved the passed two weeks of school.

Please send me our summer vacation, soon. (no, we don't have any plans for summer)


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nuestra Semana / Our Weekend

Bueno nuestra semana no ha tenido nada de espectacular, al contrario, hemos estado demasiado tranquilos.

Lunes: fue feriado

Martes: rutina normal de escuela.

Miércoles: las clases fueron suspendidas debido a la falta de agua. Sofía me dijo que los baños estaban bien sucios.

Jueves: la alarma del reloj no sonó a tiempo y por ende, perdimos el día de escuela.

Lo mejor fue que pude pasar todo el día con mis tesoros jugando, viendo televisión, leyendo, en fin, lo pasamos muy bien.

Hasta el momento mañana será un día normal de clases y aún no tenemos nada planificado para el fin de semana, así que ya veremos que ocurre.


Our week was not spectacular, on the contrary, we have been very tranquil.

Monday: it was holiday

Tuesday: normal routine of a school day.

Wednesday: the classes were suspended due to the lack of water. Sofía told me that the bathrooms were dirty.

Thursday: the alarm of the clock did not went on time and therefore, we lost the day of school.

The best of this was that I was able to spend all day with my treasures playing, watching television, reading, in short, we had a great time.

Up until now, tomorrow should be a normal school day and we still have not anything planned for the weekend, so will see how it goes.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Fin de Semana Super Largo / Super Long Weekend

Fines de semana como este son los que verdaderamente necesitamos más a menudo. El viernes las niñas no tuvieron clase debido a una reunión de maestros. Así que de esa manera dió inicio a un fin de semana donde la tranquilidad y el tiempo en casa fueron la orden del día. El trabajo realizado durante el fin de semana consistió en dormir hasta tarde, limpieza de patio, breve limpieza de la casa, arreglar el baño, hablar, leer periódicos, ver televisión, juegos de mesa, lavar, planchar y continuar pasando tiempo en familia. Ciertamente, realizamos algunas tareas pero nada que nos quitara la oportunidad de estar tranquilos y relajados.

Ahora, esperemos que nuestra semana también sea tranquila.


Weekends like this are the ones we truly need most often. Friday the girls no school due to a teachers' meeting. So in that way we started a weekend where tranquility and spending time at home were the order of business. The tasks done during the weekend consisted of sleeping late, patio cleaning, brief house cleaning, fixing the bath, talking, reading newspapers, watching television, board games, laundry, ironing and spending quality time in family. Certainly, we did some tasks but nothing that could take us away from this relaxed and tranquil opportunity.

Now, we hope that our week will be also very tranquil.





Breakfast for the girls

Playing with a balloon

Getting rid of the Christmas paper