Friday, March 12, 2010

Visitando el Gimnasio para Niños / Visiting Kids Only Gym

Hoy tuvimos la oportunidad de llevar a las niñas a una clase gratis en el gimansio para niños. Verdaderamente, la única espectativa que yo llevaba era que las niñas pasaran un buen rato. Por supuesto, se logró. Ellas tuvieron una hora de puro ejercicios y estuvieron sumamente emocionadas. Pablo y yo estamos sumamente orgullosos de ellas. La parte lamentable fue cuando se acabo ambas niñas lloraron y no querían irse del gimnasio. Solo nos falta añadir esta espectacular experiencia para ellas todas las semanas, estoy super emocionada por este nuevo capítulo en la vida de mis niñas.

Que tengan un buen fin de semana.


PS: No olviden entrar al giveaway de CSN Stores AQUI.

Today we had the opportunity to take the girls to a free gym class for children. Truly, the ONLY expectation that I had was that the girls might have a good time. Of course, this was achieved. They had an hour of exercises and they were extremely happy with it. We are extremely proud of them. The only sad part was when the class finished and both girls cried and they did not want to leave the gymnasium. The only thing left to add to this spectacular experience for them every week, I am super excited with this new chapter in my girls life.

Have a good weekend.


PS: Do not forget to enter to the giveaway of CSN Stores


Jeremi said...

Next week take some photos : )

Jami said...

Sounds like fun! My little boy would love it.

Unknown said...

Oh that's great that they enjoyed it! We went to a similar place and my girls loved it too (also cried when it was time to go home...that must be the sign!). Have fun again next week!

Samantha said...

So glad you found a new outlet for all that energy! Please do take some photos!

Malena said...

I AM SOOOO THRILLED for you all! Gymmnastics do wonders for self-esteem and self-confidence, and they have so much fun learning new things!

monica said...

How fun for them! Maybe they want to join gymnastics all the time!

Mrs. M said...

Glad they had a good time - Hannah and Eli love their gym class! :)

KJ said...

Sounds like a blast! Glad the girls had fun. :)