Las tareas asignadas para esta semana eran:
1. Termina las compras relacionadas con el Día de Acción de Gracias (aunque no sea en tu casa seguro llevarás algo al lugar donde se reunirán) así que compra esta semana. - Listo
2. Limpieza - Tendremos varios aspectos a trabajar:
a. Mantén las áreas ya trabajadas limpias y organizadas. - Listo
b. Limpia las ventanas aunque sea por dentro. - Pendiente, hubo varios inconvenientes esta semana
c. Limpia la entrada principal a tu casa (nada más desagradable que el frente de una casa sucio) y la terraza. - Listo
3. Organización: Sí aún no has regalado las cosas que sacastes de la limpieza es momento de donarlas (necesitamos que todo luzca impecable) - Pendiente por que mi licencia de conducir expiró hace casi cuatro meses y hoy fue que la pude renovar. Pero, en los próximos días saldrá todo.
4. Comienza a decorar tu casa - ya hemos trabajado bastante así que es tiempo de colocar nuestros adornos y comenzar a sentir el espíritu navideño. No olvides poner música de Navidad para que te entusiasmes. - LISTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO esta es la mejor parte.
5. Opcional: Pero sí tienes alguna pared que le quisieras cambiar el color en algún lugar de la casa para darle ese toque de renovación hazlo ahora. - No sabemos si quisiéramos pintar.
Tareas para la próxima semana son:
Luego de tanto trabajo, está semana será más relajada. Lo primordial es no excederse en trabajos para poder disfrutar del Día de Acción de Gracias.
1. Mantén la casa limpia (hemos invertido mucho tiempo y esfuerzo y no queremos que tirar todo por la borda).
2. Hornea galletas o prepara algún postre para la cena de Acción de Gracias.
3. Finaliza las decoraciones de Navidad y enciende las luces navideñas durante esta semana.
4. Prepara y llena las tarjetas navideñas.
5. Dedícate tiempo para tí. Realizáte una manicura y pedicura (esto lo puedes hacer tú misma), sécate el pelo con la secadora de mano, dáte un baño de agua tibia con burbujas (esto te relajará), en fin, todo lo que elimine de tu cuerpo el "stress".
Listo, ya estamos encaminadas a la primera celebración de esta época festiva. Disfruta en familia.
PS: La agenda de Navidad para la próxima semana será publicada el viernes.
No olvides entrar a mi "giveaway" AQUI (nada mejor que tener un regalo de Navidad menos que comprar).
Tasks for this week were:
1.Finish purchasing all related to the thanksgiving Day (even if it is not in your house you should bring something to the place where you will meet) so buy it this week. - Done
2. Cleaning - we will have various places to work with:
A. Keep the areas completed clean and organize. - Done
B. Clean the windows at least on the inside. - Working with this tomorrow (sorry, no time this week)
C. Clean the main entrance of your house (it is very unpleasant to find the front of a house dirty) and the terrace. - Done
3. Organization: If you have not yet given away the things that were discarded before is time to donate them (we need that evreything looks impeccable) - During this days I will send all the stuffs.
4. Begin decorating your house - already we have worked enough so is time to place our decorations and to start to feel the Christmas spirit. Do not forget to play Christmas music to get you on the mood. - DONE and I'm so happy.
5. Optional: But if you have some walls that you wish to change the color to give a sense of renewal, the time is now. - Just thinking of doing it or not.
Tasks for is week are:
After so much work, this week will be more relaxed. The fundamental thing is not to be overwhelmed with work so you'll be able to enjoy thanksgiving Day.
1. Keep the house clean (we have invested a lot of time and effort and we do not want that to be thrown away).
2. Bake cppkies or prepare some dessert for the thanksgiving supper.
3. Finish the Christmas decorations and turn on the Christmas lights during this week.
4. It prepare and fill the Christmas cards.
5. Dedicate some time on yourself. You can have a manicure and pedicure (you can do it yourself), blowdry your hair, have a bath with warm water and bubbles (this will relax you), in short, anything to eliminate of your body the "stress".
We are ready, on our way to celebrate the first festicity of the season. Enjoy it in family.
PS: The Christmas' agenda for the next week will be published Friday.
Do not forget to enter to my "giveaway" HERE (there's nothing better than having a gift of less than to buy for Christmas ).
5 years ago
YOur girls are so beautiful! Good luck accomplishing all that you need to this week!
I can't believe that you are already decorated! You are way ahead of me on that part! I will post mine tomorrow.
Wow, you've gotten a ton done! Good luck with the rest of the stuff this week and enjoy the holiday season!
Hey Annie,
Even though I'm not officially doing all of this, I am learning from your agenda and have been making my own lists : ) Though not nearly as organized as you are!! And as much as I try I can't seem to keep the house clean after just a few hours of cleaning it -- sigh. But I do have things ready for Thanksgiving, and we put green lights on the girls' treehouse (so neat), and I'm going Christmas shopping this morning. So I'm coming along : ) I really enjoy reading these posts!
Ha ha, I read it all in Epanish first, then realized you had English underneath. Good luck with all he cleaning and organizing! I wish I were as motivated. Maybe a good list will help!
Good luck and Happy Cleaning Thoughts to you...
We just had a cancellation for the day after Thanksgiving. We were supposed to have family over all day (and I was still going to do some black Friday shopping) but they found out they did have to work that I feel almost 10 times more free of stress.
Your posts are motivating...I have a list beside the computer right now of things to do before Thanksgiving..and I have 3 marked off!!
Thanks for the motivation, Annie!
WOW! You're on top of it girl! Yo todavia no empiezo a decorar nada de Navidad pero quiero empezar muy pronto :) Pondre fotos en mi blog cuando haya terminado :) Saludos y un beso!
You are so together, Annie! You amaze me!And I love step #5. I can barely keep up with just the daily stuff... laundry and meals. Let alone now that we are trying to get our new home ready. And my dead computer on top of it! I barely get time to get online now. I think it will be another week until my new laptop is here and I can catch up with everyone. Glad to see you are well!
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