Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Segundo Día / Second Day

Hoy es mi segundo día en ruta hacia bajar de peso. Aún no he comenzado a hacer ejercicios pero, por lo menos en el área de la comida me he mantenido. Nada de dulces, refresco o pan. Es un logro por que al menos en el día algo de eso comía. Voy a intentar usar una dieta que me dió la nutricionista de las nenas, es a base de 1,200 ó 1,500 calorías diarias (no recuerdo bien y el papel no lo tengo aquí a la mano). Ojalá que me funcione.

No olviden escribir sus preguntas (sí es que les gustaría saber algo más sobre mí) ya que el jueves las publicaré.

Dulces sueños

PD: Estamos trabajando en nuestro patio, yes. Espero que logremos nuestro objetivo en los próximos días.

Today is my second day in route toward losing weight. I have not yet began doing exercises but, at least in the food area I have maintained my focus. Nothing of candies, soft drink or bread. It is an achievement because at least once a day I always had some. I am going to try to use a diet that the nutritionist of the girls gave me, is based on a 1,200 to 1,500 daily calories (I do not remember well and I do not have thepapers with me right now). I hope it works.

Do not forget to write your questions (if you wish to know more about me) on Thursday I will publish them.

Sweet dreams


PD: We are working on our backyard, yes. I expect we achieve our objective in the next days.


Tamara Mitchell said...

Good luck in your weight loss journey! Yes it is all about caloric intake and calories burned!!!

Lani said...

Good luck with the working out and losing weight! I am right there with you:)

Lani said...

Hi! I did put you on the twins blog list- the list just always shows the 5 most recently updated blogs, unless you click on "Show all" at the bottom of the list, and then if you scroll down you will see yourself!
Thank you for joining!

Cheryl Lage said...

Good luck with the weight loss goals!

For a question: I love your bi-lingual blog...what made you decide to post in both languages?