Ya en la casa recibieron su primer obsequio del Día de los Enamorados, un globo. Están fascinadas con los globos. No pierden ni un segundo para jugar con ellos. El primer hit de San Valentín. Hasta el momento el único plan que tenemos pensado para mañana es asistir a la boda mi prima Jasmine. Definitivamente un día como el de mañana no se puede salir a cenar a fuera ya que todos los lugares están repletos y la verdad ya pasamos por la experiencia de cenar ese día no fue lo mejor. Pero, durante el día realizaremos algo con Sofia y Paola antes de ir a la boda.
Feliz Día de San Valentín.
Today is Friday, play day at Burger King (not another place to play). First, Sofia, Paola, Papá Junior (my dad) and I went Wal-Mart and after that we went to Burgr King with my mom and my niece and nephew. We were almost two hours in the place but, the best is that they enjoyed a lot.
Back at home they received their first Valentine's Day gift, a ballon. They are fascinated with them. They play with them all the time. Up to now the only plan we have for tomorrow is to attend the wedding of my cousin Jasmine. Normally, Valentine's day is not a good day go out to dinner to ws since all the places are full and we had a bad experience having dinner on this day. But, during the day we'll find something to do with Sofia and Paola before going to the wedding.
Happy Valentine's Day.

Enjoying our first valentine's day gift.
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