Monday, April 9, 2012

Día 6 Receso de Semana Santa / Spring Break Day 6

Actividades mías de hoy: limpiar, cocinar, guardar la decoración de Easter (no completa pero estoy en proceso) y hacer ejercicios.

Actividades de las nenas: dormir (una hasta las 10 y la otra 10:20), jugar, correr, gritar, comer, ver televisión, ayudarme con algunas tareas en la casa y hacer ejercicios conmigo (interrumpirme).

Solo nos queda un día más libre, que lástima.


My activities of today: clean, cook, store away the Easter decorations (not complete but I am in process) and exercises. 

Girls Activities: sleep (one until 10 am and the other 10:20), play, run, shout, eat,watch television, help me with some tasks in the house and exercises with me (to interrupt me). 

Just one more day remains of spring break, what a pity. 



Malena said...

I had to laugh! Oh my goodness, the kids are LOUD aren't they?! I'm kinda ready for them to go back to school :)

Caroline said...

I can't believe they sleep until 10!!!....LUCKY!!!!

My husband said the samething about chandlers second tooth. I guess I didn't look every well.