Monday, April 18, 2011

Lunes / Monday

Hoy fue el primer día del receso de primavera y como diría una de mis niñas el día fue largo, muy largo.

* Desayunamos cereal caliente (Farina)

* Las niñas jugaron y jugaron.

* Vieron diferente muñequitos.

* Jugaron en la computadora (

* Jugaron con unas botellas de agua en el patio.

* La comida de hoy fue lasagna con arroz blanco, rico.

Mientras tanto yo me dedique a lavar cortinas y cambiar las cosas del baño. Cuando mi esposito llegó fuimos a hacer compras y luego, las niñas a dormir y nosotros a ver Gran Perdedor, temporada 4. No fue un día tan malo pero sí fue muy largo,jaja.


Today was the first day of spring break and as one of my girls would say, the day was long, very long.

* We had hot cereal breakfast (Farina)

* The girls played and played.

* They watch some cartoons.

* They played in the computer (

* They Played with some bottles of water in the patio.

* Today's food was lasagna with white rice. yum!

In the meantime I washed curtains and changed the bath's things. When my husband arrived we went to buy some groceries and then, the girls to sleep and we to see The Biggest Loser, season 4. It was not a bad day but it was very long one, jaja.



Meet the Smiths said...

hope the rest of the week isn't as "long"...It's funny how the kids actually miss their school schedule.

Mrs. M said...

Hope the girls enjoy the rest of their spring break and that you can keep them busy and occupied! ;)

Jeremi said...

ha, this made me smile -- when the start is long oh boy : ) i hear ya though, when i have the little ones i take care of most days we're home all day (10+ hours with 4 and not a big house), it does get long!