Por qué será que cuando más tranquilo ocurre algo. La noche iba muy bien y de repente, bang y de allí ese llanto que solo una madre sabe distinguir y luego la sangre. El resultado una niña bailando que empuja a su hermanita y se cortó el labio con sus dientes. En un momento en el que ya estabamos preparándonos para ir a dormir (bueno las niñas) de más está decir que esto me dio bastante estrés. Annie
Why is that when more tranquil you are, something happens. The night went very well and suddenly, bang and a cry that only a mother knows and then the blood. The result a girl dancing that pushes her sister and her lip was cut with her teeth. In a moment in which we were getting ready for bed (well, the girls of course). I don't even have to say how stressfull I got.

Ouch! Poor girl. I hope it heals quickly:(
Oh dear! Hope her lip gets better soon! And poor mama too ((hugs)).
OUCH!! That looks very painful!! Poor thing :( I hope it gets better fast!
oh no annie --- i get so stressed with this sort of thing, especially before bedtime. looks like it hurt, poor thing.
Yikes!!! Hope the swelling has gone down today!
Ouch that is a bad one :( Poor little girlie :(
Ouch! Bless her heart! I hope it's not bothering her much. Those injured cries are awful, aren't they?
OUCH!! Poor baby! I hope it healed ok :)
Oh my goodness, OUCH! Poor girl!
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