Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fin de Semana / Weekend

Gracias a Dios el fin de semana fue muy bueno por que a pesar de que aún las niñas están tosiendo un poco pues no hubo más episodios de vómitos. Así que nada mejor que pasar el fin de semana tranquilos.

Viernes: Básicamente no hicimos nada fuera de lo normal.

Sábado: La mañana fue de limpieza y de sacar la casita de muñecas que estaba en el cuarto de las niñas al patio. Esto hizo que el cuarto se vea más grande y que el aire circule mejor. Ahora solo nos falta pintar y arreglar los problemas de humedad que hay en el cuarto.

Domingo: Mi mamá nos llevó al cine a ver HOP. La película es muy buena y te ríes muchísimo. Luego, a comprar unas cosas a Wal-Mart, después a cenar y por último a pasamos un rato en la casa de mami.

Sencillamente, comenzamos bien la semana y Dios mediante esperamos tener una semana estupenda y bendecida.

Feliz semana para todos.


Thanks to God the weekend was very good because in spite of the fact that the girls are still coughing a little, there were no more episodes of vomitings. So nothing better than passing a tranquil weekend.

Friday: Basically we did not do anything out of the ordinary.

Saturday: In the morning I was cleaning and we moved the little house that was in the the girls' room to the patio. This give the feel that the room is larger and helps the air to circulate better. Now we only need to paint and fix the humidity problems that there is in the room.

Sunday: My mom took us to the movies to see HOP. The movie is very good and you laugh a lot. Then, we bought some things at Wal-Mart, later we had dinner and finally we spent some time at my mommy's.

Simply, we started the week ok and with God's blessing we expect to have a stupendous week.

Happy week for all.






Ready to sleep


Malena said...

What a nice weekend! I love moving furniture around and creating new spaces!

We want to see Hop too - one of the teachers at the kids' school, her son composed all the music, so neat!

Hope the girls stay healthy now!

Heather said...

I'm glad you all enjoyed seeing Hop! That's on our list of things to do one day in the next few weeks and I can't wait to take my girls to see it!

The bedroom looks so cute! Great work!

Jill said...

The girls' bedroom looks great! Good job!