Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cosas Graciosas / Funny Things

No debo olvidar lo siguiente:

#1: Mami y ahora de qué color vas a orinar, rojo o amarillo (sí, asqueroso).

#2: El jugo de china viene de China, verdad mami.

#3: Mamá no uses por qué usas las cosas de mami (esto fue mientras mi mamá las cuidó el viernes).

#4: Mamá me dijo flaquita.

#5: Cuando yo crezca no me voy a casar, me voy a quedar con ustedes. (Paola)

#6: Mami, en que mes te casastes. Yo respondo en julio por que tú también te casarás en julio. No mami, yo me casaré en Diciembre.

#7: Nosotros: Les gustaría mudarse de aquí.
Ellas: Sí
Nosotros: ¿Porqué?
Ellas: Por que papi daña todo en casa y lo ensucia todo.

Pronto añadiré más cosas.


I should not forget the following thing:

#1: "Mommy and now what color are you going to urinate, red or yellow" (yes, filthy).

#2: "Orange juice comes from China, right mommy?".

#3: "Grandma, do not use mommy's things." (this was while my mom took care of them last Friday).

#4: "Grandma told me i'm thin."

#5: "When I grow up I am not getting married, I am going to stay with you." (Paola)

#6: "Mommy, in which month did you got married." I responded "In July why? Will you also want to get maried on July." " No mommy, I will det married in December."

#7: "Would you like to move from here." They said yes! I asked then why. "Because daddy breaks everything he touches a gets everything dirty".

Soon I will add more things.



Unknown said...

Soooo funny. I bet my girls will also ask #1 one of these days.

Malena said...

Very funny! Hahaha!

Unknown said...

LOL! So cute!

Jill said...

So funny! Great idea to write these things down because it's so easy to forget these little sayings.

girlytwins said...

So funny!! I love the things that come outta their mouths :)