Monday, October 18, 2010

Fin de Semana / Our Weekend

El fin de semana fue bastante bueno y lo mejor pasarlo juntos en familia.

Viernes: La rutina normal de un día de clases. Luego, mientras las niñas estaban en la escuela yo fuí al salón de belleza a darme un cambio de imagen. Definitivamente, algo muy ansiado.

Sábado: Realicé la limpieza y organicé los "closets". También fue el momento ideal para sacar la ropa que no nos sirve y los juguetes que ya no se usan (recuerden que ya a la vuelta de la esquina están las Navidades y con ella nuevos juguetes). Luego en la tarde las niñas quisieron ir a la playa así que allá fuimos y para terminar el día una rica pizza con pan con ajo.

Domingo: En realidad no hicimos nada espectacular. La única diferencia fue que ambas niñas quisieron que les secara el pelo por que hoy tendrán las fotos en la escuela.

Y tu fin de semana, cómo estuvo?


The weekend was quite good and the best part is to spend it together in family.

Friday: The normal routine of a school day. Then, while the girls were in the school I went to the beauty parlor to give myself a change of image. Finally, something very desired.

Saturday: Lots of cleaning and organizing the closets. Also it was the ideal moment to remove the clothes that does not fit us and the toys that they no longer use (remember that Christmas is around the corner which means is time for new toys). Then in the afternoon the girls wanted to go to the beach so there we went and we finished the day with a delicious pizza with garlic bread.

Sunday: In reality we did not do anything spectacular. The only difference was that both girls wanted their hair blow dried because today they will have photos taken in school.

And your weekend, how was?


Our not fancy family picture,ha!!


SouthernDogwoods said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

Malena said...

School pictures! How exciting! Mine take theirs on the 25th...I can't wait!

Jill said...

I know it's a big job to keep on top of all of the clothes and toys that are too small/out of season/not used anymore, but it's good to get rid of some that stuff.

Danae said...

We need to go through our toys as well. Always so much to do!

Looks like you guys had fun in the sand.

Jeremi said...

i wish i had your motivation to stay so organized and on top of things ....

sounds like a great weekend annie!

CUTE pics of your little beach bunnies : )

Unknown said...

They are so cute on the beach! And love the family picture...I prefer non-fancy actually.

Great idea to clean out the closets. Must do the same here for clothes as well as toys.

PS got the giveaway prize in the mail...thank you thank you!!!

girlytwins said...

Sounds like a great weekend. And not fancy family pics are my favorite :)